Genuine wow factor


To the Editor:

I had the enormous pleasure last night of watching my son, along with his fourth grade peers at the Tisbury School, perform two delightful, clever, and truly funny short musical plays. Honestly, I didn’t know what to expect from this theater experience. My son was so excited by the prospect of the performance, though, that we joined the crowd in the jam-packed auditorium with high hopes, and a slight case of the nerves.

Truth told, I was blown away. Not only by the talent, humor, and the joy I saw on that stage, but by the beautiful, exhuberant personalities who shone brightly. Those kids were stars on that stage, transforming and taking command of the characters.

Who knew they had it in them? All those lines, those songs, lively dance moves and scene changes, all without a hitch. It was professional, well timed, extremely entertaining, and gut-bustingly funny. From the scenery to the costumes to the sharp comedic timing, I was impressed.

From my heart, thank you to Veronika Buckley, Pam Herman, Julie Hatt, Marylee McCormack, Peter Boak, Ruth Campbell, and Donna Swift, and IMP, for all of your hard work, creativity and vision. What an amazing team of artists and educators.

And to the incredibly supportive administrative team at the Tisbury School, led by John Custer and Sean Mulvey, you have given our children a gift. Through this experience my son can see himself as strong, courageous, clever, funny, and competent, all of the things we have always known.

We are very proud of him and of all of the Tisbury School fourth graders. Their hard work culminated in an evening that left us all feeling absolutely wowed. If you didn’t see it, you missed out. If you did, you know what I mean.

Dawn Warner

Vineyard Haven