An appeal


To the Editor:

I know a little rain has to come to everyone’s life at times, and with faith and strength we can and do overcome.

I’ll tell you my story. My house was about to be foreclosed on after 41 years of struggling to keep it. Through sicknesses, the loss of a grandchild with cancer, another grandchild in a fatal car accident, the loss of my sister, the loss of my husband, and the loss of my mom, all within a seven-year period. And now this, so the only way out was to do a “buyer’s special sale.” What I didn’t realize is it sold in June 2012, and it wasn’t easy to find housing on the Island of my birth. I didn’t realize the housing problems on Martha’s Vineyard and what others went through to find housing.

I ended up having to leave the Island. I had no choice; I’ve put my name in everywhere, and hope to return soon. I am seeking housing for my granddaughter, my little dog, and myself, whether it be a room, a house, or an apartment. I can be reached by calling 508-685-0428.

We must as an Island family work together to solve this problem of housing, not just for me, but for other Islanders in the same boat. Any help you can give I’d be very grateful.

Clara Marshall

Oak Bluffs and Boston