To the Editor:
A thank you to the Farm Neck foundation from the Island chapter of the National Alliance for Mental Illness (MV NAMI) for funding recovery education last spring and again this fall.
Recovery education teaches in the classroom skills to recover from serious mental illness, such as depression, bipolar disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder, schizophrenia, and others. It is based on a college style course started at Boston University.
The course identifies themes common to all with serious mental illness. The onset of mental illness, the disruption of one’s life, and recovery from mental illness follow patterns common to all. The course teaches students to understand what is happening with this intruder in their lives.
The course teaches students to recognize markers of mental illness and how to respond. Stress, anxiety, hopelessness, delusions, and other symptoms are all covered. Coping skills and pitfalls are covered.
Last fall, with a grant from the Farm Neck Foundation, MV NAMI sponsored its first free class on the Island, as part of Adult Community Education (ACE). Five students participated in the 12-week course held at the high school on Tuesday nights. The class was a success. All the students felt they benefitted from the class.
With money remaining from the Farm Neck Foundation grant, MV NAMI is sponsoring the class again. The course will again be free, with textbooks provided, and will meet on Tuesday evenings. Registration is available on online at
Lori Perry, MV NAMI Representative
Jonathan Burke, Teacher
Oak Bluffs