Twelve Martha’s Vineyard athletes named winter sports All-Stars

Galya Walt competed in the MVRHS swim team's first ever varsity meet on December 12 at the Y. — File photo by Ralph Stewart

Following another successful winter sports season in which four of the five Martha’s Vineyard Regional High School teams qualified for post-season play, 12 local athletes were named winter sports all stars in three separate leagues.

The Bay Colony Conference named high school swimmers Galya Walt and Derrick Devine to its all-star list — quite an honor given that this was the first year the high school competed at the varsity level.

The Eastern Athletic Conference selected Izak Browne and Jack Roberts for boys basketball honors.

Jenny Lindland, Maggie Riseborough, and Katie Stewart were named girls basketball all stars.

Hockey players Tyson Araujo, Charlie Ashmun, and Brian Fraser earned post-season honors.

The Southeastern Massachusetts Girls Hockey League named Aubrey Ashmun and Texe Craig as all stars.