Monthly Archives: April 2013
Constance “Connie” H. (Hilton) Gerard
Constance "Connie" H.
Paul A. Strauss
Paul A.
Services Saturday for Yvonne “Pebbles” Ponte
Yvonne "Pebbles" Ponte of Vineyard Haven died at Martha's Vineyard Hospital on Thursday, April 25.
Animated “Poppy Hill” looks at Japan on verge of change
A collaboration by Hayao Miyazaki, considered one of Japan's greatest animators, who co-wrote the script with Keiko Niwa, and his son, Garo Miyazak.
Martha’s Vineyard Wine Festival: A true collaboration
Taste wines from all over the world, paired with local food, at the Martha's Vineyard Wine Festival May 9-12.
Islander Devon Lodge keeps on dancing
Juilliard is the latest stop for the talented 20-year-old dancer from Oak Bluffs.
Noteworthy events coming up on Martha’s Vineyard
Brush up on your beer history with pints from the past, today at 1 pm.
Cash transfers by foreign nationals from Vineyard approach $17M
Non-bank transfer businesses here are ordered by state to cease operations – some exported cash never got to recipients, mostly in Brazil.
Voters go to the polls in U.S. senate state primary Tuesday
Voters will choose between three Republicans and two Democrats to set the stage for the battle to fill the seat left vacant by the resignation of John Kerry.
Chilmark voters go to the polls Tuesday
Chilmark voters go to the polls Tuesday to elect town officers and decide three proposition 2.
Island public workers oppose retiree benefit cuts
Town, county, and state public service employees organize in opposition of to proposed legislation that would reduce benefits for some.
Town meeting action on medical marijuana moratorium a mixed bag
Voters in three Island towns got started with the process of regulating medical marijuana, but some are puzzled by the votes.
Oak Bluffs thanks officers who responded to bomb suspect search
Boston incident commanders deployed the Martha's Vineyard Tactical Response team directly to the tense search for the terrorist.
Tisbury selectmen stay tuned for docu-soap details
Tisbury town officials got the scoop this week on "The Vineyard," a television reality show that starts filming on May 9 at the Steamship Authority.
West Tisbury to vote again on county pest management
Town meeting voters rejected funding for the county program, but will get a chance to reconsider at a special town meeting next month.
Tisbury offers town news via email subscription
Tisbury recently added a new feature to the town website, inviting members of the public to subscribe to an email news and information distribution list.
Martha’s Vineyard Community Services has a new logo
The logo features eight semi-abstract people positioned over the name and acronym of the Island's multi-service agency.
SSA says website, Oak Bluffs terminal repairs on track
The Steamship Authority said repairs to the Oak Bluffs terminal pier are on schedule for its Memorial Day weekend opening.
Visiting team to evaluate regional high school for accreditation
A 16-member committee from the Commission on Public Secondary Schools (CPSS) will conduct an on-site evaluation visit at Martha's Vineyard Regional High School (MVRHS) from April 28 through May 1.
Brion McGroarty breaks ground on new airport package store
The owner of Town Provisions expects to move from cramped quarters in downtown Edgartown to a new, larger store off Airport Road by September.