To the Editor:
On behalf of a grateful school community, I’d like to recognize the Tisbury School parent-teacher organization (PTO) for its incredible work throughout this past year. Dedicated PTO volunteers demonstrated a commitment to students and staff members during many events and through many gestures of support.
Beginning back in September with a back-to-school cookout, and culminating in June with the annual Fun Run, the year was marked by consistent PTO backing. In addition to funding several classroom projects and sponsoring math and literacy night celebrations, the Tisbury School PTO provided fresh fruit for students and bottled water during MCAS testing. The Harvest Festival Cake Walk, Bike Rodeo, kindergarten parent reception, eighth grade mixer and graduation, Reading Challenge, and Field Day were all successful PTO-sponsored happenings that strengthened our school community. Additionally, five retiring staff members were presented with plaques, compliments of the PTO.
Tisbury School students and staff benefited greatly from the efforts of our PTO. This group deserves credit and sincere thanks and appreciation for contributing to a successful year.
John Custer
For the Tisbury School community