Row Martha’s Vineyard’s Grace amazing in Snow Row

The crew of Grace, taken March 1, prior to the Snow Row in Hull. From left: Janet Woodcock, Jude Villa, Chris Buehler, Noah Buehler, Stacie Noble-Shriver, and Tim Winchell. Missing is Malcolm Boyd, who was readying the boat. — Photo courtesy of Chris Buehler

Row MV competed March 1 in Hull at the 35th Annual Hull Lifesaving Museum’s “Snow Row.” The 3.5-mile course consisted of more than 80 boats in several categories.

Grace, a 32-foot Vineyard-built Cornish Pilot Gig, one of 17 boats in the six-seat fixed, coxed division, took first place in the amateur division with a time of 38:57.

The mixed crew comprised Malcolm Boyd (coxswain), Noah Buehler (of Row MV’s youth team), Jude Villa, Janet Woodcock, Stacie Noble-Shriver, Tim Winchell, and Chris Buehler. Row MV will host a whale boat race on June 21, when the Charles W. Morgan visits Vineyard Haven harbor.