To the Editor:
There is tremendous concern on Martha’s Vineyard about the difficulty households with low and moderate income have finding housing they can afford. Following are some thoughts about how many of us might help.
In Chilmark and West Tisbury, accessory apartments are permitted if they are used by family or rented by persons with low or moderate income.
Rental assistance is available to tenants through the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority. Landlords are needed to participate in this program.
If you have an extra, unused room in your house, consider renting it. If you are offering short-term rentals through Airbnb, think about renting to a long-term Islander instead.
Most Island towns have zoning provisions for building a home on an undersize lot, or subdividing some parcels, if they are sold at an affordable price.
Consider putting a deed restriction on your house, limiting its resale cost, making it affordable to persons earning median income or less.
Consider donating to the Island Housing Trust.
For further information, contact the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority, your local affordable housing committee, or the Island Housing Trust.
Cynthia Aguilar
West Tisbury