Martha’s Vineyard Community Services (MVCS) has sold 850 Martha’s Vineyard specialty license plates and submitted all completed applications to the Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) this week, after nine months of working on the project. The RMV will process each application and the plates will be produced and shipped out within six to eight months.
Revenue generated from sale of these plates will be used for funding Martha’s Vineyard Community Services programs and other Island non-profits that benefit youth and elders.
The MV specialty plates can only be ordered through the MVCS website (mvlicenseplate.com) for a few more weeks. After that time orders must be placed through the RMV website or at designated Massachusetts RMV branches, but orders won’t be able to be placed until later this summer.
“Thanks to the RMV, we have been granted a final deadline of Friday, Feb. 19, 2016 to collect any last-minute applications and payments,” said Wiet Bacheller, MV License Plate Committee Co-Chair. “After this date we can no longer accept applications nor assign license plate numbers. Everything will be directly controlled by the RMV from that day forward.”
Those who have already registered and paid for a plate will receive notification via post mail from the RMV once their plate is available for pick up at their designated branch. This could be as early as March or as late as September 2016. The RMV states it can take up to eight months to produce the plates.
“We are grateful to the RMV for extending the deadline and encourage anyone who is interested in a plate to have their application and payment sent to the MV License Plate Committee before Feb.19,” said Mary Korba, MV Community Services Communications Manager and MV License Plate Committee Co-Chair. “After that date, plates will not be available for order until they have been produced and shipped to RMV state branches — which could be as far off as this summer. What’s more, this is the last opportunity you have to choose a plate number.”
To register for your special Martha’s Vineyard license plate or for more information visit www.mvlicenseplate.com. Call 508-693-7900, ext. 222 or email info@mvlicenseplate.com with any questions.