To the Editor:
After reading your terrific coverage of the recent helicopter pot raids (July 28, “State Police snatch Islander’s medical marijuana plants”), I felt a little stoned myself. It seems like the authorities are the ones blowing smoke: We didn’t do it, but they may have done it; actually we may have done it, but nobody told us; we’ve been doing it for years; we didn’t even know about it. Dude, who’s bringing the Doritos?
If the National Guard, the State Police, or the faceless men just want an excuse to cruise the Vineyard skies on a beautiful summer day — well, everybody likes helicopter rides! How about bringing along some veterans and their families? Or teachers and their families? Or Island elders? Or foster kids? Or — wait for it — cancer patients?
As a taxpayer, I would happily support a nice day in the air for any of these folks, even if the low-flying helicopters present an unsettling spectacle for the earthbound. But please, stay the hell out of our gardens.
Molly Martone
West Tisbury