Edgartown Police said Kelly O’Connell, 33, of Oak Bluffs was drunk when she sped by The Trustees of Reservations Wasque Reservation gatehouse with her two children in her vehicle in a rush to catch the Chappy Ferry and crashed into the woods near Pimpneymouse Lane. No one was injured in the crash.
Police charged Ms. O’Connell with operating under the influence of liquor (second offense), speeding, and negligent operation. Police later issued a citation for child endangerment while operating a vehicle under the influence.
Ms. O’Connell submitted to a blood-alcohol test at the Dukes County Jail, where she registered a 0.21 percent, according to the police report. The legal limit is 0.08.
Ms. O’Connell was arraigned Monday in Edgartown District Court where she was ordered to remain alcohol free and submit to periodic screening. A pretrial conference was set for Sept. 29.
About 4:20 pm, police were dispatched to Chappaquiddick for a report of an erratic operator thought to be intoxicated with two children in the vehicle. While waiting for the ferry, police learned of a one-car motor vehicle accident in the area of Pimpneymouse Lane involving a mother and two children, according to the police report.
Ms. O’Connell told Officer Kyle Altieri “she was traveling on Chappaquiddick Road from a birthday party and heading toward the ferry when she hit a patch of sand on the curve and slid into the woods.”
In his report, Officer Altieri described Ms. O’Connell as “acting erratically,” which caused the children, ages 4 and 5, to begin to cry.
“When I first arrived, the children were not crying,” he said. “It appeared that when they witnessed their mother’s behavior, it upset them greatly.”
He added, “O’Connell’s behavior was extremely emotional and vulgar.”
Other officers did their best to reassure and calm the children, who were later picked up by an aunt.
The vehicle, a 2004 Toyota Corolla, had minor damage that included a flat tire, and was towed from the scene.
Police also filed a 51A complaint, a report of possible abuse or neglect, with the Massachusetts Department of Children and Families on behalf of the children.