Setting a striking example


To the Editor:

Thank you to the owners, management, and staff of the Barn, Bowl and Bistro in Oak Bluffs for giving kids free bowling all summer long, including the shoes. What a gift that was, not only for the kids, but also for the parents and guardians who were taking care of their children and/or grandchildren or neighbor’s kids. It really was a treat to be able to bowl and eat at the same location and enjoy your $9.99 lunches. The food was terrific, and Mike Sawyer was the perfect host, who welcomed us and asked if we enjoyed the food and our visit. Thanks Mike!

We only wish more Island businesses would do similarly. It often seems that come summer, so many locations are only interested in the tourist trade and not in serving those of us who live here year-round. You have set a wonderful example of service to the kids and families of our Island community as well as to the families visiting the Island who often seek activities for their kids. Now, maybe other businesses will follow?

Thank you again.

Marge and Jamie Harris

Vineyard Haven