National Widowers’ Organization seeks donations to renovate website


Since its founding in 2009, the Chilmark-based National Widowers’ Organization (NWO) has brought resources to widowers and their families. According to a press release, an ongoing key objective has been to bring widowers together so they can benefit from shared experiences and understanding as they face the challenges of adjusting to new lives.

On, there exists an extensive listing of resources. And over 18,000 widowers are helped annually. With the Widower to Widower Program, widowers are connected so that they can share. Surveys of these widowers indicate a high degree of satisfaction with NWO, and is at the top of Internet search engines.

NWO wants to use technology to do more to help bring widowers together and make it easier for them to find assistance, so they have undertaken a major effort to renovate their website into an easy-to-use tool for all widowers. The renovated website will:

  • Offer interactive capability for widowers to reach one another and share experiences in real time. Peer-to-peer contact is invaluable to widowers, and getting them connected quickly when they need it is important.
  • Help men find bereavement groups
  • Include blogs, chat rooms, and other instant communications to address the needs of widowers who are often alone, isolated, and looking for help online
  • Provide access to films and materials which aid widowers in understanding their feelings, and show real-life examples of the transition from grief.

The operating costs of the NWO are fully underwritten, so every cent donated will go to helping widowers, not to overhead expenses. As a 501c3 nonprofit, donations are fully tax-deductible. If you would like to contribute the renovation of the NWO website, please send your check to The National Widowers’ Organization, Inc., 25 Osprey Lane, Chilmark, MA 02535. Or donations may be made online via PayPal ( to