The 2017 Relay for Life was held Saturday, June 3, at Waban-Alley Park in Oaks Bluff to raise money for the American Cancer Society. According to a press release, Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank was again a corporate sponsor of this annual Vineyard event, as it has been since the relay’s inception.
In addition to the bank’s corporate support, again this year, bank employees mounted individual grassroots efforts to raise funds, and participated in the relay. This year Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank employees represented nine out of the top 10 individual fundraisers, and the entire team was the top fundraising group, raising more than $10,000 for the third year in a row.
“We are proud of all the participants in this year’s Relay for Life,” said bank president James Anthony, “and we are especially proud of our bank employees who continue to dedicate themselves to fighting cancer, a disease that has affected all of us in some way or another. Their commitment, and that of all the participants, is a testament to our caring and supportive community.”
The top 10 2017 Relay for Life fundraisers were:
Brooke Raymond, Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank
Phaedra BenDavid, Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank
Greta Kindstrand, Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank
Patti Young, Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank
Laura Wojtkiewicz, Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank
Lana deBettencourt, Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank
Anne Sullivan, Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank
Nicole Gazaille, Relay for Life
Timothy Brown, Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank
Patti Leighton, Martha’s Vineyard Savings Bank