Edgartown’s Herb Foster taught graphic arts in the New York City school system for nearly 20 years in the 1950s and ’60s, and amassed a number of pieces of student artwork in that time. He’s put together an exhibit at the Anchors, Edgartown’s Council on Aging, at 10 Daggett St.
Wendy Benedetto, director of senior services at the Anchors, said they’ll honor Mr. Foster at a special luncheon presentation this week. “He’s our artist of the month,” Ms. Benedetto said.
She suggests visitors come for lunch, $2 Tuesdays and $5 Fridays, for a perfect opportunity to view the students’ artwork. Call ahead anytime from 9 am to 4 pm to see if it’s a good time to check out the exhibit; the area where it is displayed is sometimes used for other activities, Ms. Benedetto said. Call 508-627-4368 or visit edgartowncoa.com for more information.