Monthly Archives: July 2018
Academic honors
Samantha Chaves of Edgartown, from Wheaton College.
Dean’s list
Sadie Dix of Chilmark, at the University of Rochester.
Only publish complete stories
To the Editor:
Regarding a recent trend I've noticed in the Times:
Not too long ago, I watched (for the umpteenth time) “All The President's Men.”...
Tisbury: Islanders Write
Heard on Main Street: How come Superman could stop bullets with his chest, but always
ducked when someone threw a gun at him?
I hope to...
Oak Bluffs: MV Author Series continues
Did you know that a group of goldfinches is called a charm? How very appropriate for these delicate birds that have been visiting my...
West Tisbury: Dry weather means caution
It finally rained, a pelting, drenching, pounding, rushing, puddle-making rain. What a relief not to have to drag hoses around for a couple of...
Edgartown: “A Master of Balance” program
The tension is building at home these days, as we are into the final countdown for moving into college. Riley is currently scheduled to...
Bridge results
At the July 23, 1:15 pm game of the Edgartown Bridge Club in Vineyard Haven, 15 tables were in play. Finishing in first place...
Aquinnah: Book talks at the library and museum
Well, it is that time of year again when there are far too many movies, plays, and events, and not enough time to attend...
O.B. postmaster is appreciated, missed
To the Editor:
They say you never miss the water until the well runs dry. Well, the Oak Bluffs Post Office hasn't run dry, but...
Virginia G. Maciel
Virginia G. Maciel, 87, of Vineyard Haven, died on July 27, 2018, at the Martha’s Vineyard Hospital, after a long illness.
Virginia was born in...
Remembering Polly Hill’s first director
To the Editor:
No celebration of the arboretum’s 20th anniversary would be complete without also acknowledging the important contributions made by its first director, Steve...
Bike paths have deteriorated
To the Editor:
As a bike rider here for more than 45 years, and as a driver too, I am sympathetic to Nancy Hoffman’s letter...
Facing blowback, Vineyard Wind hires fisheries liaison
Vineyard Wind, the company that won the bid to locate an 800-megawatt wind farm off the southern coast of Martha’s Vineyard, announced Monday that...
SUV fire and three-car wreck hit West Tisbury over weekend
West Tisbury first responders dealt with two dramatic vehicle crashes over the weekend. On Friday evening, a Chevy Blazer erupted in flames by Brandy...
Everyone is talking about the lack of fish
Boat and shore fishermen alike say, “Not many fish around, unless you’re talking tuna.”
OK, what’s going on? I don’t mean to panic, but I...
Grateful for community support
To the Editor:
On July 19, the car I was driving in Chilmark heading up-Island drifted right, hit a large rock, skidded, and rolled over....
Visiting hours Thursday for Regina M. McDonough
Regina McDonough, of Hingham, Oak Bluffs, and Naples, Fla., died in Winchester on July 28, 2018. She was 97, and a summer resident of...
Martha’s Vineyard dreamin’
Updated August 3
The sun was shining, the birds were chirping, and the checkbooks were open as scores of people threw up their paddles to...
Sponsored: Real Estate Confidential: Perfection at Big Homer’s Pond
Real Estate Confidential is a weekly chitchat about new listings, sales, or other insider info on the Martha’s Vineyard real estate market, by Fred...