Rural Scholars present ‘Advance Care Planning’


On Thursday, Nov. 1, from 3:30 to 5:45 pm, the 2018 Rural Scholars from the University of Massachusetts will give a presentation at the West Tisbury library. The Rural Scholars Committee of the Dukes County Health Council is again sponsoring Rural Scholars from UMass School of Medicine and the Graduate School of Nursing for two weeks of on-Island research and interviews. This focus of this year’s research is advance care planning.

According to a press release from the library, during their time here, the Rural Scholars are assessing the current status of serious illness, end-of-life care preparations, and advance care planning to build the foundation for advance care planning for the entire Island community. Their presentation will include their report, their findings, and recommendations to the public. The event is free and open to all.

For more information, call the library at 508-693-3366, or email