Honor veterans with festival cash


To the Editor:

Tisbury government has a unique opportunity to honor the service of past and current veterans from their community. Recently, the town has authorized the use of Veterans Memorial Park for the purpose of running a three-day music festival this coming August.

In recognition of these brave soldiers and the many sacrifices they dutifully made, I am respectfully asking that Vineyard Haven town officials consider donating the $40,000 offered to the town by the promoter to needy Tisbury veterans and their families.


Steve Maxner
West Tisbury


    • All Veterans are deserving but most of them are not needy. Dondondon below is not needy for example.

      • Andrew– you are correct– i am a liberal that is not needy– i may be someday, but not now— i work, i pay my bills, i pay my taxes, i employ people.. I have an ira account .. My question was what does this issue have with veterans ? They could have named this park “brothers from ob park”in honor of the slaves that perished here. if that were the case, should any proceeds have gone to the decedents of slaves ?

  1. except for the name of the park, does this have anything to do with veterans ? I am one by the way..

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