Monthly Archives: May 2020
Seth Meyers to host Possible Dreams Auction
Comedian, late-night host, and seasonal Chilmark resident Seth Meyers is set to host the 42nd annual Possible Dreams auction virtually on Sunday, July 26.
Coronavirus Chronicles: (Not) keeping up appearances
The coronavirus pandemic has impacted my appearance in countless ways, although the CDC failed to mention this side effect. The sickness began with my...
Seasonal resident donates pizza for Islanders
An off-Island, seasonal resident has donated enough pizzas to feed 2,000 to 3,000 Islanders over the next few weeks in coordination with Pizza di...
Cape and Islands delegation gives seasonal community guidance
After Oak Bluffs leaders balked at the open letter to seasonal residents crafted by the Martha’s Vineyard Chamber of Commerce, with input from Martha’s...
Louisa Gould Gallery practices the art of giving
Many Island business owners are exploring options for adapting to the new environment and to find a way to contribute to the needs of...
Saudade: News from and for the Brazilian community/Notícias de e para a comunidade brasileira
A tradução deste artigo se encontra no final da versão em inglês
I recently read that one of the lessons that COVID-19 will teach the...
Congressional action, congressional deadlock
One remarkable outcome of COVID-19 is the recent congressional cooperation. Since March 6, the body has passed four major measures, costing trillions of dollars,...
Rental assistance for those in need
Tough times call for public-private partnerships and these tough economic times are pulling the Dukes County Regional Housing Authority, the Permanent Endowment, and M.V....