Edgartown gets outdoor dining grant


On Friday, the town of Edgartown was awarded a $20,000 grant from the Massachusetts Department of Transportation (MassDOT) through its Shared Streets and Spaces Program.

Funds are intended to support “projects that promote public health, safe mobility, and renewed commerce by quickly providing new and repurposed space for socially distanced walking, bicycling, dining, retail, and bus travel,” according to the town’s award letter.

Funds can be used for supporting increased rates of walking or biking by enabling social distancing, modifying streets and sidewalks, and for the purchase of materials and labor.

Funds are not eligible to be used for ongoing maintenance, operational, or enforcement costs.

According to town administrator James Hagerty, Edgartown will use its grant to pay for all of its logistical costs, such as barriers and signage for outdoor dining.

The Edgartown project will be required to be completed by Oct. 9. The town must submit a report by Dec. 31 detailing lessons learned from the project.


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