To the Editor:
It is an expression we have heard in the past, and one we will no doubt be hearing in the future. But right now it has a new, raw presence in the mundane rhythm of daily life, as we return back to “normal” after a year of living quietly under the radar. Over the course of this lockdown, it appears that the Island population has become embroiled in debate over the whats, whys, and wherefores of affordable housing.
It finally found its forum at the Tabernacle last Tuesday night, during the annual West Tisbury town meeting. A three-acre lot on the corner of Upper Lamberts Cove Road was placed into the hands of the West Tisbury affordable housing committee — a committee spearheaded by zealous relative newcomers to the island, who believe their cause to be most noble. This vote was a clear victory, which, while making a very small dent in the insatiable need for affordable housing, at the same time illuminated the painful realization that our rural highways and byways will now be unceremoniously sacrificed to the cause. Slash and dash.
Poor Martha.
Cathy Weiss
West Tisbury