If you know a young artist with an interest in waterfowl and conservation, the Massachusetts Division of Fisheries and Wildlife (MassWildlife) may have a competition for them. Kindergarteners to high school seniors can submit their original artwork to the Massachusetts Junior Duck Stamp contest by Wednesday, Feb. 15.
According to MassWildlife’s announcement, the process of creating this type of art “allows students to appreciate the importance of preserving wetland habitats and the delights and diversity of wildlife.”
“Even if students do not enter the competition, science and art teachers will value the JDS curriculum as a useful resource,” MassWildlife’s wildlife education coordinator Pam Landry said in the announcement.
Alongside the contest, there is a Junior Duck Stamp program that teaches students “about the habitat requirements of various kinds of ducks and geese, and [to] then express their knowledge of the beauty, diversity, and interdependence of these species artistically, by creating a drawing or painting.”
Art submitted for the contest will be judged in four age groups. The entry judged “Best of Show” moves on to represent Massachusetts in the national Junior Duck Stamp competition. Artwork must be submitted by mail with a postmark by Feb. 15 at midnight. Alongside the artwork, a completed entry form must be taped to the back of the artwork. A reference form should also be attached. Artists are encouraged to “include on the entry form a brief personal conservation message that expresses the spirit of what they learned.”
The announcement encourages “art teachers, science teachers, and parents who homeschool” to visit bit.ly/3YShS2l to learn more in-depth about the program.
For more information about the program and contest submissions, visit bit.ly/3vklcWE. Landry can be reached at pam.landry@mass.gov for further details.