Edgartown Council on Aging: February 2024

The Anchors, home of the Edgartown Council on Aging. — MV Times

Edgartown Council on Aging
The Anchors at 10 Daggett St.
Lyndsay Famariss

Weekly Events


  • 11:30 am: Bowling at the Barn
  • 12:30 pm: Bridge
  • 1 pm: Research your Genealogical Tree with Meris


  • 9 am: Yoga
  • 10 am: Knitting
  • 12 pm: Tuesday lunch
  • 1:15 pm: Mah Jongg


  • 9:30 am: Tai Chi with Nan Doty
  • 12:30 pm: Bridge


  • 9:30 am: Introduction to Tai Chi Qigong with Nan Doty. If you have always wanted to learn Tai Chi and develop more balance, we hope you’ll take advantage of this perfect opportunity to do so.


  • 9:30 am: Mindful Meditation on Zoom
  • 12 pm: Friday Cafe
  • 1:15 pm: Mah Jongg

February Calendar

Please visit edgartowncoa.com for more information on programs and services. All are welcome to attend. You must register for programs in advance by calling 508-627-4368.

Tuesday and Friday lunch information: The meal is served at 12 pm. Feel free to come anytime after 11 am to join us, meet your friends, and have some conversation. You must call by 12 pm the day before to register. Visit edgartowncoa.com for our menu.

  • Feb. 1: Bingo
  • Feb. 6: Resource Lunch ‘n Learn. Come and find out more about this.
  • Feb. 6: 12:15 pm, The Resource, Inc. Learn about Martha’s Vineyard EOHLC Housing Programs and the block grant funded Housing Rehabilitation program.
  • Feb. 8: 11 am, Guest Chef Series. Cooking demonstration with Jesse Martin. Learn how to make gnocchi. Registration is limited. You must sign up in advance.
  • Feb. 12: Hearing checks with Shawn Woodbrey of At Home Hearing
  • Feb. 13: 11 am, Coffee with a Cop with Sargent Will Bishop of the Edgartown Police Department
  • Feb. 14: Tech time with Rizwan Malik
  • Feb. 15: Bingo
  • Feb. 16: 12 pm, Valen-tunes with Adele Dreyer
  • Feb. 19: The Anchors is closed for Presidents’ Day
  • Feb. 22: 1 pm film, “Killers of the Flower Moon”
  • Feb. 23: Birthday Cafe to celebrate those born in January.
  • Feb. 27: Please note there is no lunch today.
  • March 1: Please note there is no lunch today.