Saturday, October 5, 2024
Home Poetry Vineyard Verses

Vineyard Verses

‘Tis The Season

at this December addition at Sunset Lake.


Here's a spring-time scene of which I'm fond.

To My Nearest Neighbor

in emptying a full bird-feeder.

From Nest to Label

After a successful first-flight test,this young osprey returns to the nest.

In the Air at the Fair

four cyclists on a wire high in the air.

Out on a Limb at Farm Neck

This male osprey has his eyes on me.

Poem: To a Boy with a Belgian Giant

Hoping thousands of spectators would be there,he readied this draft horse for the Fair.

That’s My Baby

They arrived back late from winter vacationto nest at last year's Vineyard location.

Nice Horsey

For a photog, they proved a winsome pair.

Poetry in Motion

From out of the sun and out of the west,this Oak Bluffs osprey descends toward its nest.

Waiting for his mate

On a day when weather proved rather harsh,this osprey returned to Oak Bluffs in mid-March.

To the Easter Bunny

Flowers with the Easter Bunnyon a spring day, bright and sunny.

To the Guinea Fowl

as shown by this pair of guinea fowl.

To a real hawk-eye

it's hard to miss this red-tail's eye.

A Real Head-and-Shoulders Shot

I usually witness quite a lot.

Why did the turtle cross the road?

to cross a double yellow line.

For thirsty marauders

A sight guaranteed to stir my wrathIs that of crows in the small birds' bath.

To three buddies

can be glimpsed some days near Linda Jean's.

The puck stops here…sometimes

To help perform a Herculean task,he wears a helmet and protective mask.

Poem: Catching the wind at Morning Glory

This looks like an interesting story .