Climate Solutions: Moving toward a circular economy — a regenerative approach
Linear vs. Circular — What does it Mean?
We have designed a linear, extractive economy: we take resources, make them into products, use them, and discard them. The focus is not on making things durable,...
Climate Solutions: Regenerating soil — a key strategy
A Climate Solutions series would be remiss not talking about the importance of soil: its role as a carbon sink, and how caring for it helps both the planet and our species. Food, agriculture,...
Climate Solutions: Plastics and recycling — we can do better!
We are drowning in plastics, and the oil industry is doing its best to keep it that way. Plastics, which are made from oil, support production even when the demand for heating oil is...
Exploring the Vineyard’s future
In mid-April, Island Innovation hosted the first Island Finance Forum, a virtual event where members of island communities across the world could exchange solutions for sustainable economic recovery in the post-pandemic world. The event...
Climate Solutions: Food waste
Food waste is 8 percent of greenhouse gas emissions … more than the carbon footprint of the airline industry.
According to Project Drawdown, one-third of the food produced in farms and factories never makes it...
Lone star ticks emerge early this year
With the unexpectedly premature arrival of lone star ticks on Martha’s Vineyard, boards of health are considering what the future of mitigation and prevention of vector-borne illnesses might look like.
Richard Johnson, Island entomologist and...
Deadwood sparks concern over forest fires
Dukes County commissioners are concerned about drier weather and large amounts of deadwood increasing the potential for forest fires on Martha’s Vineyard.
For the past several years, dry plant detritus has been identified as a...
Climate Solutions: Taking care of ourselves and our species
In our state, wind and solar are our greatest resources.
What does solar do for us?
Even though Massachusetts is not the sunniest, we are getting 7 percent of our power from the sun. We...
Keeping the Island clean, one beach at a time
People on Martha’s Vineyard are more conscious about the impact of human activity on the natural environment than ever before.
With the economy of the Vineyard’s coastal community relying so heavily on the health of...
Climate Solutions: Going solar when you can’t do it at home
Part of the vision of a 100 percent renewable energy Island includes large, community solar arrays around the Island.
What is community solar?
Most important, it is a way that you can get your electricity...
Climate Solutions: Resilient at home
Imagine having enough energy storage at your house or in your neighborhood to be able to have some power and water during prolonged power outages.
Solar and batteries make that possible.
Solar info
Solar panels can...
Climate Solutions: Batteries make us resilient
Imagine a Vineyard where we are generating our power from renewable sources, and have enough energy storage to sustain critical loads during prolonged power outages.
Batteries play a big role in that vision, and they...
Climate Solutions: Becoming resilient
Prolonged power failures are a serious concern as climate change progresses and more extreme weather events occur. When the electric grid is down, having systems that give us a continued source of power, without...
Chilmark considers installing EV rapid chargers
Chilmark is looking to install electric vehicle (EV) charging stations in the town center, which will be able to charge a vehicle fully in about 40 minutes.
During a Tuesday meeting of the board of...
Climate Solutions: Converting our Steamship fleet
Ferry fuel makes up 11 percent of our Island's transportation energy use; 1,290,723 gallons of diesel fuel were used in 2018. We need to transition to a cleaner way to travel. Scandinavia and Washington...
Climate Solutions: Make way for EV trucks – they’re coming and they’re cool!
2021 will see the beginning of electric pickup trucks being introduced into the market.
Governor Baker has mandated that by 2035, all "light-duty vehicles" sold in Massachusetts will need to be zero emissions. This means...
Climate Solutions: For your next car, buy or lease an EV!
The electric vehicle market is rapidly expanding as battery technology improves. The newer models have greater range, and there are more vehicle choices.
At the top of the line, Teslas get more than 300 miles...
Climate Solutions: Juicing up our transportation!
Forty-five percent of our energy use is for transportation. That’s higher than other communities because of the fuel used for ferry service.
In 2018, 22,191 automobiles and light trucks were registered on the Vineyard at the...
Climate Solutions: Make the switch to heat pump water heating
We all use hot water. One of the easiest ways to decrease your fossil-fuel use is to switch to a hybrid electric water heater. It's an easy switch because you already have a water...
Climate Solutions: Air-Source Heat Pumps Are THE Way!
You have seen them: metal boxes sitting outside houses with a grill on the front, and "mini-splits" inside houses that deliver heat or cool. Now that there are cold-climate units available, this is the...