Tuesday, October 15, 2024

Working for Your Health

Dukes County Health Council: Working for your health

Few would argue that 2022 had its challenges, the healthcare field not excluded. The pandemic left us with supply shortages, apparent not only on merchants’ shelves but in our healthcare sector. Many of us...

Dukes County Health Council: Working for your health

Imagine a world where infections don’t heal, where illnesses do not rapidly turn around with a prescription, where all you can do is hope and pray that effective treatment can be found and that...

Dukes County Health Council: Working for your health

In September’s column we highlighted the importance of evidence-based programs (EBPs) and why they are relevant to our Island community. EBPs are generally health-related, offered to the public, and based on rigorously tested trials...

Dukes County Health Council: Working for your health

Imagine going to your doctor for a routine visit, and being advised to exercise more regularly to preserve your mobility and to improve your balance. Lately you’ve felt less steady on your feet, and...

Working for your health

Why are data so important to our community’s health? Who’s collecting them, and why? What college student, this writer among them, hasn’t winced at the thought of spending an entire semester collecting, analyzing, and interpreting...

Working for your health

Did you know that our community, Dukes County, ranks as the 128th healthiest county in the U.S.? Did you know that Nantucket in the same survey ranks 41? U.S. News and World Report just...

Working for your health

Health is a basic human need. Textbooks define it as a state of emotional and physical well-being. When we are healthy, we can experience life to the fullest, becoming more satisfied and productive members...