Thursday, September 12, 2024


Laurie David brings back the family dinner

"The Family Dinner: Great Ways to Connect With Your Kids, One Meal at a Time" by Laurie David with recipes by Kirstin Uhrenholdt, Grand Central Life and Style, Nov.

Native Earth Teaching Farm talks duck

"Book of Duck Cookery" by Rebecca Randall Gilbert, drawings by Anne Ganz, self-published, 68 pp.

Linda Jean’s cookbook benefits Island Food Pantry

Linda Jean's wait staff and customers have whipped up a melange of delectable down home recipes, delivered only seven months after the idea began to simmer.

‘Soups and Sides’ by Cathy Walthers

There's been quite a bit of hype surrounding Catherine Walthers's recently released cookbook "Soups + Sides," and it's not difficult to see why.

New cookbook: Cathy Walthers’ ‘Soups and Sides’

Island resident and celebrated cookbook author Catherine Walthers spent last Friday evening at new Island gallery, Pep Art, celebrating the release of her third cookbook, "Soups + Sides.

New veggie cookbook by Susie Middleton

"Fast, Fresh and Green" by Susie Middleton, photographs by Ben Fink, Chronicle Books, April 2010, 224 ppg.