Yes on beer and wine sales
The debate rages unabated over whether Tisbury will allow sale of beer and wine with meals in restaurants.
Connector road, redux
It's too soon to say mission accomplished, but the decision by Tisbury voters to proceed with planning and funding the so-called connector road between State Road and the Edgartown–Vineyard Haven Road is a smart one.
A hospital to celebrate
Sunday, Islanders will visit the new Martha's Vineyard Community Hospital, at the invitation of the trustees, to see what years of planning and broad generosity from seasonal and year-round residents has wrought.
Time to reassess on housing
This page does not share the views of those who have imputed the vilest motives to leaders of the private nonprofit housing groups, whose efforts have been weakened so badly during the past five months.
The high price of affordability
The provision of needed affordable housing on Martha's Vineyard has become exclusively the responsibility of a series of public-private partnerships. Zoning and development rules prevent the market from contributing much, if at all.
Taxpayers contribute,...
Republican Scott Brown
Tuesday's special election to fill the Senate seat that is vacant because of the death of Edward M. Kennedy is an opportunity for Massachusetts voters, including us Vineyarders, to strike a blow for political...
Illusions, reality, and business
That there is an agricultural aura surrounding Morning Glory Farm and a bedrock, founding fathers, even 19th century ethos attached to the preaching of Jim Athearn in his community planner role should have no...
Cape Wind – not persuasive
Cape Wind has won an important victory in its pursuit of federal, state, local, and popular permission to build its 130-turbine project on Horseshoe Shoal in Nantucket Sound. The environmental impact statement (EIS) released...
Our incarcerated guests
Every review of the vital services provided the community at the Dukes County Jail and House of Correction revives the community debate over whether and when to replace and, almost certainly, expand the ancient...
Our 2009 to-do, no, must-do list
For several years, in the last newspaper of each year, we've asked Island leaders to write about the year ending and the one impending. This year, Nelson Sigelman, The Martha's Vineyard Times managing editor,...