Saturday, February 8, 2025
Home Election


Two-way race for Edgartown selectmen

The Edgartown selectmen’s race will pit longtime incumbent Mike Donaroma against newcomer Jack Krowski. Donaroma is the current selectmen chair and owner and founder of Donaroma’s Nursery in Edgartown. He’s a fourth generation Islander....

Water body regulations punctuate West Tisbury warrant

West Tisbury voters will weigh in on the first regulation to emerge from the Mill Pond Study, the West Tisbury Water Resources Protection Bylaw. Per the 2019 West Tisbury annual warrant, “The purpose of this...

Airport hangar, Housing Bank occupy Edgartown town meeting

It’s that time of year again. Towns around the Island are preparing for their annual town meetings. Edgartown’s annual town meeting has no shortage of warrant articles with 85 in total. The special town meeting...

Preparing for Tisbury town meeting

The Tisbury Vision Forum is hosting a meeting at 6 pm Thursday, April 4 at the Katharine Cornell Theater to review the 2019 annual and special town meeting warrant articles. The meeting is intended to...

Edgartown Land Bank seat is two-way race

The Edgartown Land Bank commissioner seat has opened up with two candidates vying for the position. Jack Krowski and Richard Knight are looking to take over commission duties from longtime Edgartown Land Bank commissioner...

Sylvia, Reimann vie for O.B. Land Bank seat

Two Oak Bluffs residents are vying for a spot as the town’s representative on the Martha’s Vineyard Land Bank Commission. Incumbent Priscilla Sylvia, who has been the Oak Bluffs representative since 1986, is running against...

The buzz on Question 1

On Nov. 6, Massachusetts voters will decide whether they believe yes, patient-to-nurse ratios should be regulated by law, or no, patient-to-nurse ratios should remain in the hands of hospitals. The proposed law was written...

Race for state’s 9th District

Congressman Bill Keating, D-Bourne, faces a challenge from businessman Peter Tedeschi of Marshfield for the race to represent the 9th Congressional District. Keating has been a member of the U.S. House of Representatives since 2010,...

Flores seeks to unseat Cyr in Senate

John Flores, a Republican town councilor in Barnstable, seeks to unseat incumbent Sen. Julian Cyr, D-Truro, for the Cape and Islands District state Senate position in the upcoming Nov. 6 general election. Cyr, 32,...

Davis and Piland vie for superior court clerkship

Either Anthony Piland, a physician assistant from Tisbury, or George Davis, an attorney from Oak Bluffs, will replace Joe Sollitto after his 42 years of service and oversee the Dukes County Superior Court. Sollitto...

The morning after: Islanders react to President-elect Donald Trump

On Wednesday morning, The Times went to downtown Oak Bluffs to ask townspeople how they felt about Tuesday’s election results. As could be expected for one of the bluest areas in one of the bluest...

Trump wins in upset, but not on Martha’s Vineyard

Hillary Clinton’s loss to Donald Trump on Election Night was a stunning upset for those who were following national polls. Although Secretary Clinton easily carried Martha’s Vineyard towns — when one adds together the...

Local race roundup: Ogden is the new sheriff in town

In other races, Democrat Paulo C. DeOliveira was named Register of Deeds, and candidates were elected to the Dukes County Commission and the Martha’s Vineyard Commission.

Martha’s Vineyard votes Democratic in state races, legalizes marijuana

Martha’s Vineyard voted Democratic in all state races, and stayed aligned with the rest of the Bay State on the four ballot measures. Dukes County elected Joseph C. Ferreira as councillor, Julian Cyr as...

Martha's Vineyard backs Clinton, Ogden, DeOliveira; votes to legalize marijuana

Updated 12:45 pm, Wednesday Totals from each of the Island towns, and Gosnold, for local, state and national races. Totals from Edgartown, West Tisbury, and Aquinnah reflect the support from earlier tallies in Oak Bluffs and...

Updates and slideshow: Election Day 2016 on Martha’s Vineyard

10 pm. When we called Carolyn Feltz in Aquinnah she picked up the phone and said without preamble, “We’re not done. I can’t talk. I’m in the middle of counting.” 8:00  Polls in all six Martha's Vineyard...

Island voters go to the polls Tuesday

Martha’s Vineyard voters will join voters across the state Tuesday to help decide a spirited presidential race and answer four ballot questions. Locally, Island voters will fill seven seats on the Dukes County Commission,...

Town polling locations

Polls open at 7 am and close at 8 pm: Aquinnah: Old Town Hall Chilmark: Community Center, 520 South Road West Tisbury: Public Safety Building, 454 State Road Tisbury: Emergency Services Facility, 215 Spring Street* Oak Bluffs: Public library meeting...

Dukes County Sheriff candidates square off

On Nov. 8, Vineyard voters will decide who will be the new Dukes County Sheriff, Acting Sheriff Robert “Bob” Ogden of West Tisbury, or retired State Police Officer Neal Maciel of Tisbury. Each man...