Saturday, February 8, 2025
Home Essay


Struggles of immigration — as ancient as the Bible, as modern as picket signs...

The global movement of people seeking to flee tyranny, poverty, and violence, or to search for freedom in a distant land, is a continuum of human history. It is as ancient as the biblical...

Know your immigration rights

No matter who is president, everyone living in the U.S. has certain basic rights under the U.S. Constitution. Undocumented immigrants have these rights, too. It is important that we all assert and protect our...

Pushing toward solutions 

We are all worried. Some of us are actually scared. The Steamship Authority is our connection to critical, lifesaving services. The Steamship Authority's failure to operate as we need and expect threatens what makes...

Educator evokes teachings of MLK

The Martha’s Vineyard branch of the NAACP had a charismatic speaker at their annual celebration of the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King on Monday last week.  Javier Montanez, superintendent of the...

Buyer’s remorse and the election

buyer’s remorse: “A sense of regret after having committed to an endorsement, policy, plan of action.” –second definition, Millions of people voted for former Pres. Donald J. Trump in last November’s election. Yet he...

HarborWorks — Embracing our past as a way to define our future

The last year has been the start of a journey for all of us at HarborWorks, the flagship project led by the new nonprofit, Vineyard Lands for our Community (VLC), an Island community redevelopment...

HarborWorks — Embracing our past as a way to define our future

The last year has been the start of a journey for all of us at HarborWorks, the flagship project led by the new nonprofit, Vineyard Lands for our Community (VLC), an Island community redevelopment...

Island older volunteers providing millions in help

By Karen Tewhey Martha’s Vineyard has an aging population. One in 3 residents are 65 or older, exceeding the national average of 1 in 5. And the elder population is only getting bigger: It is...

Hospice advocates pay tribute to President Carter

His gifts were many. And at 100 years old, he had given them consistently and generously throughout his life. But no gift may be as enduring as the one President Jimmy Carter gave us the...

A tribute to Janet Messineo

Last year ended with sad news for the fishing community — we lost Frank Daignault — and now another acclaimed angler is gone.  I was part of a group introduced to Janet Messineo on Martha’s...

Reflections in Ireland on our presidential election

The ties that bind Ireland and the U.S., formed during the brutal years of the Great Irish Famine, are intense. America represented salvation and a chance to rebuild shattered lives. Over time, these Irish...

If not Spring Street, where?

As with my resignation from the Tisbury planning board, I have deliberated long and hard whether there would be any value to my comments on the volatile situation that is occurring at 97 Spring...

The future of climate change

Vineyarders, like all Americans, are living in an era of vast environmental and climate change. For most of November, the entire commonwealth suffered under “red flag” alerts. Since Sept. 1, so little rain has...

Why community-supported local news matters now more than ever

The Rotary Club of Martha’s Vineyard gathered in a small knot around the American flag at the Portuguese-American Club in Oak Bluffs yesterday and sang “God Bless America.” After all the divisiveness and national hand-wringing...

Affordable housing and conserving the land and waterways

The critical need for hundreds of affordable housing units on Martha’s Vineyard need not conflict with the Island’s environmental beauty. With smart growth, we can achieve both. We can enrich the lives of everyone...

The Court and guns, again

Many residents of the Vineyard are gun owners, hunters, even firearms collectors. But few likely own something commonly called “a ghost gun.” These weapons come unassembled, via the Internet, in pieces that anyone can...

A voice raised for justice: E. Jacqueline Hunt

Jacqueline Hunt, an icon of the Oak Bluffs community, died on Wednesday, Oct. 30, at noon. She knew the community history, and she lived it. She leaves a void that will never be filled....

Vote no on Question 4, promoting psychedelic use 

I am a believer in the power of certain psychedelic medications to help depression, awaken spiritual experiences, and break damaging compulsive behaviors such as smoking or alcohol use. I have used ketamine in my...

Charter students weigh in on cell debate

Social studies students in Grade 7 at the Martha’s Vineyard Public Charter School were asked to write arguments for and against banning cell phones in school, a debate that's been playing out across the...

Cellphones should be banned in schools

Many schools, both public and private, are banning cell phones. Is this a good idea? Let me present three connected points and a (seemingly) logical conclusion: Nearly all teenagers — 95 percent — are on...