Saturday, February 8, 2025

Quote of the Week

Quote of the week

“For me personally, technology has made my job harder, in that there’s less time on the sales floor and more time needed staring at a computer screen or phone.” –Heather Kochin, owner of Rainy...

Quote of the week

“It’s hard to understate the enormity of impact that this house and the community inside it have made on the quality of the life of our loved ones.” –Nancy Nevin, former care giver at Long...

Quote of the week

“We like to innovate, and finding partners helps our business plan. We’re partnering with another nonprofit. We see it as a win-win.” –Philippe Jordi, executive director of Island Housing Trust, on IHT’s proposal to...

Quote of the week

“Josh and I had some conversations about his Food Truck business, and he’s a fan of Offshore and we’re fans of his.” –Phil McAndrews, co-owner of Offshore Ale in Oak Bluffs, discussing bringing on Chef...

Quote of the week

“Baseball is a treasured American pastime, and the Boston Red Sox and Fenway Park are an iconic institution in the sport. As a proud New England brand, we couldn’t be more excited to partner...

Quote of the week

“When you go to church Sunday, it will be gone.” –Ralph Packer, promising the Tisbury selectmen that the dilapidated fish house on R.M. Packer property would soon be demolished. It was.

Quote of the week

“The Vineyard has been great for us, it has so many natural attributes; it’s just the kind of market we want to be in.” –Rob Blood, Lark Hotels CEO, on the company’s plans...

Quote of the week

“The whole town should go up to him and thank him. Without what he’s done, the town would be so much more quiet than it already is.” –Josh Goldstein, co-owner of the Mansion House,...

Quote of the week

“We intend to run the bakery in the tradition of excellence that Janice, Rita, and the outstanding bakery staff have so carefully and pridefully created,” Richard Friedman, spokesman for the buyers of Back Door...

Quote of the week

“This will be a long-term investment; I’m looking forward to bringing it back to its past glory.” –Bernard Chiu, founder of Upland Capital Corp., on plans to renovate the newly acquired Harbor View Hotel.  

Quote of the week

“We’re just thrilled with the outcome.” –Cheryl Andrews-Maltais, leader of the Wampanoag Tribe of Gay Head, on the news that the U.S. Supreme Court denied a petition to hear a case involving the tribe’s proposed...

Quote of the week

“The value of our small colonial New England town this year is worth $8.2 billion.” —Edgartown board of assessors chairman Alan Gowell.

Quote of the week

“When you’re walking down the street, we’re cooking fudge ... we’re also blowing the smell of chocolate out on the street. We’ve never once gotten a complaint.” —Mike McCourt, general manager of Murdick’s Fudge

Quote of the week

“We’ve righted our financial ship.” —Brian Athearn, newly elected president of Martha’s Vineyard Agricultural Society.

Quote of the week

“From hour one, there was a noticeable effect.” —J.B Blau, owner of the Copper Wok, on the benefit of having an all-alcohol license.

Quote of the week

“This is an industry killer; we’re not playing by the same rules.” —Califfe Singh, owner of Adam Cab, regarding the fact that unlike Island cab companies, ride-sharing companies like Uber and Lyft are unregulated.

Quote of the week:

“We expect to be serving patients within a year.” Geoffrey Rose of Patient Centric of Martha’s Vineyard regarding timetable for opening up marijuana dispensary at 510 State Rd. in West Tisbury.

Quote of the week

“People who don’t need it, have it. That comes out of my hide.” Steve Bernier,  owner of Cronig’s Market, regarding people of means who currently are using The Island Card.

Quote of the week

“President Trump’s short-sighted intention to eliminate the J-! visa program will harm small businesses and tourism on the Cape and Islands.” —State Senator Julian Cyr

Quote of the week

“My work is roughly a third masonry, a third music, and a third fishing — a really nice balance.” —Johnny Hoy, mason, musician, fisherman