To the Editor:
I read the article in the M.V. Times about the Tisbury harbor patrol boat being in Tiverton, R.l., for completion of a 26 item punch list. I also received a copy of that list.
This boat was built in Palacios, Texas, and was not represented for sea trials by our harbormaster or anyone else.
The sad part is we the taxpayers spent over $1200 for a marine surveyor, a Captain Richard Frenzel, owner of Dixieland Marine, Inc., to make a survey for the town of Tisbury.
Captain Frenzel has over 40 years in the business and I would trust his expertise in the field with no question. But Mr. Wilbur and Mr. Bugbee said he did not know what he was talking about. Captain Frenzel also went on to say that he strongly suggested at least two additional inspections be made on this project. Captain Frenzel was then terminated.
Well, first off, Mr. Bugbee knows as much about boats as I do about rocketships. And as for Mr. Wilbur’s 25 years experience, does his time in the Caribbean count?
I surely question whether this vessel was thoroughly tested. Porpoising while at high speed is very dangerous.
I hope that someone has the foresight to have a marine surveyor inspect this vessel before we take it over. And, by the way, if we are still looking for a name for the boat, I would like to suggest, “MISFIT.”
Lastly, do you have to take a boat to get to 36 Franklin Street?
Eugene Decosta
Vineyard Haven