The Massachusetts Office of Fishing and Boating Access has begun work on a fishing pier in Oak Bluffs. It is the first public pier on Martha’s Vineyard devoted solely to fishing.
The state is financing the entire cost of the pier project, estimated at $750,000. Oak Bluffs will be responsible for maintenance, public safety, and policing.
“Everything we learned about fishing piers went into the design of this one,” longtime fishing and boating access board director Jack Sheppard told The Times Wednesday.
The L-shaped pier will be located approximately 200 feet north of the Steamship dock. At various times during the fishing season, the area holds striped bass, scup, fluke, bonito, and false albacore.
The schedule calls for all land-based work to be completed by the end of June. After that, all work will be based on a large barge moored off the North Bluff.
Selectmen agreed to allow construction vehicles to take two parking spaces during the work day, but the spaces must be kept free at night.