Les Holcomb of Edgartown has taken it upon himself to fund and coordinate a pilot program he dubbed “Just in Case,” intended to supplement affordable food available to students who depend on the free or reduced-price lunch program at one of the Martha’s Vineyard schools.
Students who depend on a subsidized school lunch program will be able to pick up a free breakfast pack from 9 am to 11 am each day between Dec. 24 and Jan. 3 at Trinity United Methodist Church in Oak Bluffs, St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Edgartown, Grace Episcopal Church in Vineyard Haven, and the West Tisbury library. St. Andrew’s will provide a “sit-down” breakfast for students and an adult family member. Each pack has a small cereal box, applesauce, juice, and milk.
Mr. Holcomb said he hopes to see run the program during winter and spring vacations as well.