Behind the Bookstore asks to expand patio area

Behind the Bookstore, behind Edgartown Books, may soon have an expanded outdoor seating area. — Louisa Hufstader

Edgartown selectmen moved quickly through a short agenda at their regular meeting on Monday afternoon.

Selectmen informally approved a proposal by the owners of the Behind the Bookstore Cafe and bookstore on Main Street to demolish a small addition in order to enlarge an outdoor seating area. The proposal won the approval of the Historic District Commission, but has yet to go before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Lawyer Sean Murphy, who represented the owners of the bookstore and restaurant, told selectmen he wanted to gauge their thoughts before the project moved forward. The owners would seek a small expansion of the liquor license so that there aren’t any areas in the back patio area where liquor is not allowed.

“I’m just here to get some guidance,” Mr. Murphy said.

Selectmen Art Smadbeck and Margaret Serpa said they took no issue with the proposal. Selectmen chairman Michael Donaroma was not present at the meeting.

In a separate action, selectmen approved a request to modify the liquor license for Behind the Bookstore that will allow the business to serve alcohol beginning at 10 am on Sundays.

Selectmen also voted to approve a 5k fun run for autism awareness on Saturday, April 23. The race will begin and end at the Katama Airfield. More information will become available in the coming weeks.

Selectmen also renewed taxi licenses for three taxicab companies Monday afternoon. Vineyard Crossings, Vineyard Transport, and Adam’s Cab are all approved to operate in the coming season.