An ad hoc group of Islanders will throw a party Saturday afternoon to honor outgoing Congressman William D. Delahunt and State Senator Robert O’Leary for their public service to the Vineyard.
Deborah Medders of Tisbury said the event was organized by a group of appreciative Islanders. “We are trying our best to be nonpartisan, nonpolitical,” Ms. Medders said. “This is not a fundraiser.”
Questioned about the timing, less than two weeks before the mid-term elections, Ms. Medders, Tisbury town moderator, told The Times that this was the only date that would accommodate the schedule of Mr. Delahunt, who decided not to seek reelection and will end his term this year.
She said no candidates were invited to attend. She said it is solely an opportunity for individuals and organizations to say thank you to the two lawmakers for their efforts on behalf of the Island.
The event is from 4 pm to 5:30 pm at the new Ag Hall in West Tisbury. For more information call Ms. Medders at 508-693-1039