

Well, I finally got to see some snow, but I had to go all the way to Chicago to see it. We watched the Patriots pummel the Bears in the middle of a face-numbing, tooth-chattering Midwestern blizzard. I have never been so cold in my life, but it was worth it to see our boys move one game closer to the playoffs. There were a surprising number of Pats fans in attendance, including other Island folk, with whom we unfortunately could not coordinate a meet-up due to the storm. Joe Merry was there with some friends, as well as Derek Miles, who has left us for points north but who you might remember from his years manning the bars at the Wharf and Sharky’s.

I hear Santa came early this year for Randy Walpole with the gift of a new drum set. Isn’t there a Christmas carol about this? It goes something like: “Randy wants a brand new drum, ’cause that’s what Randy likes best.” Well, Katama just gained a rhythm section.

The Garvins are aiming to deck the halls in their new home this year. Dave has been working away to get the house ready so the family can spend their holiday in the new digs. Three-year-old Anina is very excited about her new pink bedroom, and mom Nonnie can’t wait to settle into her new kitchen.

Take note that, due to a scheduling conflict with this past Tuesday’s Special Town Meeting, the Edgartown School’s winter concerts have been moved to Tuesday, December 21. Kindergarten through third grade will perform at 6:30 pm, with the singers in grades four through eight following at 7:30 pm.

Amy Heil reports that her store BlueFish on Winter Street will play host to an art party Saturday, Dec. 18, from 5 to 8 pm. The show will feature the work of local artists, while the store will offer treats to shoppers all day. So be sure and stop by.

Hannah and Zachary Murray were on the Island for Christmas in Edgartown, and the two were put straight to work, waving and smiling atop the Vineyard Vines float. I hate to miss a good parade, and I’m sure with little charmers like this, this year’s was a sight to see.

With well over 400 children for whom to provide this year, the Red Stocking Fund is in desperate need of toys. Some donation ideas include dolls for all ages (even under 6 months), action figures, games, puzzles, bakugan, skateboards, balls, baseball gloves, bats, makeup kits, inexpensive jewelry, gift certificates to local stores (Aboveground Records, health clubs, etc.), CDs, books for all ages, arts and crafts, easy bake ovens, and bikes. Even gently used bikes (not a lot of rust and no torn seats) can be put to good use. Financial donations are always appreciated as well. For more information, contact Kerry Alley at 508-693-2324 or Lorraine Clark at 508-693-0725. Checks in support of the Red Stocking Fund may be mailed to Barbara Silva, Treasurer, P.O. Box 74, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568.

It has been a slow news week, with everyone out focusing on their holiday prep, and what with the revelry and the wassailing and such. In addition to email and phone, a lot of people have started sharing their news with me via Facebook these days. If you’re on there and you’d like to connect, my page is Facebook.com/linleydolby.