January 3, 2013
Kyle J. Dubay, Vineyard Haven; DOB 2/26/93, assault and battery on a police officer, disturbing the peace, carrying a dangerous weapon: continued to pretrial conference.
Riley P. Flanagan, Edgartown; DOB 12/13/89, disorderly conduct: to be dismissed upon the completion of 20 hours of community service.
January 4, 2013
Paul Robert Cotton, Vineyard Haven; DOB 9/21/51, evading taxi fare: to be dismissed upon payment of restitution of $22.
January 7, 2013
Darren A. Dockery, Edgartown; DOB 5/31/89, assault and battery: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth and the Victim; unarmed burglary and assault: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth and the Victim; assault and battery with a dangerous weapon: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth and the Victim; assault to murder: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth and the Victim; resisting arrest: guilty, one year probation, must pay $50 VW and $50 PSF; unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: guilty, must pay $200 fine.
January 10, 2013
Baltessazar D. Almeida, Vineyard Haven; DOB 3/3/83, failure to stop/yield, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: continued to pretrial conference.
Emily Billing, Vineyard Haven; DOB 7/16/82, trespassing: dismissed without prejudice.
Jaconias G. (Da) Costa, Oak Bluffs; DOB 4/18/54, OUI-liquor or .08%: guilty – 2 ½; years in the house of correction, 10 days to serve, three years probation, must attend the 14 day inpatient program, must pay $50 VW, $50 OUI, $65 PSF and complete 100 hours of community service; negligent operation of motor vehicle: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; failure to stop/yield: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: not responsible.
Luiz A. Depaula, Vineyard Haven; DOB 11/11/70, unlicensed /suspended operation of motor vehicle permit: to be dismissed upon the payment of $100 court cost and the completion of eight hours of community service.
Jose Carlos Desouza, Oak Bluffs; DOB 2/5/63, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment of $100 court cost and the completion of eight hours of community service; failure to stop/yield: responsible, must pay $100 fine; motor vehicle lights violation: not responsible.
Durvalino P. Dias, Oak Bluffs; DOB 3/11/53, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: guilty, must pay $200 fine; negligent operation of motor vehicle: continued without finding for one year, must pay $250 HIF, $50 VW and $50 PSF.
Durvalino P. Dias, Oak Bluffs; DOB 3/11/53, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon the completion of 20 hours of community service.
Jose Florencio, Edgartown; DOB 5/25/77, assault: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.
Jose Florencio, Edgartown; DOB 5/25/77, failure to stop/yield: responsible, must pay$100 fine; unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon the payment of $100 court cost and the completion of eight hours of community service.
Gabriel Grasing, Vineyard Haven; DOB 11/26/75, assault and battery: dismissed without prejudice.
Melanie A. Lewis, Vineyard Haven; DOB 11/22/78, negligent operation of motor vehicle: continued without finding for six months, must pay $250 HIF, $50 VW and $50 PSF; marked lanes violation: not responsible; speeding: not responsible.
Cory Joseph Rosa, N. Bedford; DOB 9/15/75, possession to distribute class B drug (Percocet): six months pretrial probation; conspiracy to violate drug law: six months pretrial probation.
Shaun Sicsico (Sisco), Oak Bluffs; DOB 2/8/94, operating motor vehicle with a suspended license: continued to pretrial probation.
Vitor J. Silva, Oak Bluffs; DOB 4/15/89, assault and battery: dismissed without prejudice.
Donald R. Welles, West Tisbury; DOB 1/14/65, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle, speeding in violation of special regulation: continued to pretrial conference.
January 11, 2013
Ralph E. Buck, Vineyard Haven; DOB 1/3/67, assault and battery: continued without finding for one year, must pay restitution of $3012 and $50 VW.
Nathan Maddern, Hamilton; DOB 7/29/88, assault and battery: guilty, 18 months probation with conditions, must pay $50 VW and $50 PSF.
Sarah E. Moreis, Chilmark; DOB 7/28/83, uninsured motor vehicle: continued without finding for one year, must pay $50 VW and complete eight hours of community service; operating motor vehicle with suspended registration: continued without finding for one year.
Cynthia A. Sequeira, Edgartown; DOB 8/5/57, assault with a dangerous weapon: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth and the victim.
Raymond C. Williamson, N. Attleboro; DOB 1/29/84, leaving the scene of property damage: continued to pretrial conference.