Updated August 4
Senior services
M.V. Center for Living, 508-939-9440
Tisbury Council on Aging, 508-696-4205
Oak Bluffs Council on Aging, 508-693-4509
Edgartown Council on Aging (the Anchors), 508-627-4368
Up-Island Council on Aging (Howes House), 508-693-2896
Elder Services of Cape Cod and the Islands, 508-693-4393
Healthy Aging Martha’s Vineyard, 508-954-0357, ctrish@hamv.org, Advance Care Planning (ACP) support/online sessions, Home Safety Modification Program, Falls Prevention Program.
Variety of services Island-wide
First Stop MV, firststopmv.org: Comprehensive guide to resources that support the health and wellness of everyone on the Island.
M.V. Community Services, 508-693-7900, mvcommunityservices.org.
Dukes County Social Services, 508-696-3844: For assistance with SNAP (food stamps), Fuel Assistance, and Unemployment claims.
Dukes County Veterans Services, 508-693-6887
Dukes County Committee for Disabled Affairs, 508-697-9330
Dukes County Homeless Prevention Services, 978-273-0533
Unemployment assistance
Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) program: Apply for the Pandemic Unemployment Assistance program by filling out an online application. Visit mass.gov.
MassHire Cape and Islands Career Center: The state Department of Unemployment offers a virtual step-by-step process of filing an unemployment claim at masshire-capeandislands.com.
Food services
Island Food Pantry, P.A. Club, 137 Vineyard Ave., Oak Bluffs, islandfoodpantry.org, Monday 2–4 pm; Wednesday 1–6 pm; Saturday 10 am–1 pm. Pickup is outside. Delivery can be arranged, email delivery@islandfoodpantry.org.
Edgartown Council on Aging, meals delivered on Wednesday in the afternoon for Edgartown residents aged 55-plus who are in need. 508-627-4368. mkeating@edgartown-ma.us.
Meals on Wheels, Monday to Friday, 10 am–12 pm. Call 800-224-4630 or 508-394-4630 for information, requirements, and how to apply.
Food Baskets M.V., Good Shepherd Parish Center, 55 School St., Oak Bluffs, thefoodbasketsmv.org, Saturdays, 11:30 am–12:30 pm. Pickup is outside.
Serving Hands Food Distribution, First Baptist Church, 43 Spring St., Vineyard Haven, but staging of cars is at nearby St. Augustine’s Church, off Franklin St.; also at West Tisbury Agricultural Hall, Edgartown School, and MVRHS. Every other Friday. Begins at 1:30 pm. Pickup is outside. Delivery is also available. anicholson@mvcommunityservices.org.
Wampanoag Tribal Food Pantry: wcm@wampanoagtribe-nsn.gov, 508-955-9164.
M.V. Community Services: List of food resources at mvcommunityservices.org/foodresources.
Chilmark Help Hotline: For people in Chilmark who need assistance in safely receiving mail, groceries, prescriptions, etc., call 508-545-3249, or email chilmarkneighbors@gmail.com.
The Grey Barn and Farm, Chilmark: thegreybarnandfarm.com.
Mermaid Farm, Chilmark: mermaidfarm.org.
North Tabor Farm, Chilmark: northtaborfarm.com.
Allen Farm, Chilmark: 508-645-9064. allenfarm.com.
Beetlebung Farm, Chilmark: beetlebungfarm.org.
FARM Institute, Edgartown: facebook.com/thefarminstitute.
Morning Glory Farm, Edgartown: morninggloryfarm.com.
North Tisbury Farm & Market, West Tisbury: 508-696-4664. northtisburyfarm.com.
Ghost Island Farm, West Tisbury: ghostislandfarm.square.site.
Healthcare services
Vineyard Health Care Access Program, mvhealthcareaccess.org, 508-696-0020, for assistance with MassHealth, Medicare, and other insurance.
Health Imperatives, healthimperatives.org. Sexual and reproductive health clinic (Martha’s Vineyard Family Planning), 508-693-1208. Women, infants, and children (WIC) nutrition assistance, 508-771-7896. Cape & Islands Healthy Families program (support for young parents), 508-540-2968.
Vineyard Medical Care, vineyardmedicalcare.com.
Island Health Care, Community Health Center, ihimv.org, Primary care, public health nursing, and mental health/substance abuse disorder support. help@ihimv.org, 508-939-9358.
Resources for those in recovery
Alcoholics Anonymous Early Bird meeting: Eastville beach in Oak Bluffs, every day at 6:45 am, weather permitting.
Pause a While hosts a free conference call for AA meetings at 2 pm, every day. Dial-in number: 425-436-6360, Access Code: 422932#. pauldart@pauseawhile.org.
List of online AA meetings: bit.ly/aadirectory
List of online NA meetings: bit.ly/nadirectory
List of online SMART recovery meetings: bit.ly/smartrecoverylist
List of refuge recovery meetings online: bit.ly/refugelist
In the Rooms recovery community (may need to create account): bit.ly/roomscommunity
SMART recovery discussion forum: bit.ly/recoveryonlineforum
Public libraries
Aquinnah, 508-645-2314, aquinnahlibrary.org
Chilmark, 508-645-3360, chilmarklibrary.org
Edgartown, 508-627-4221, edgartownlibrary.org
Oak Bluffs, 508-693-9433, oakbluffslibrary.org
Vineyard Haven, 508-696-4211, vhlibrary.org
West Tisbury, 508-693-3366, westtisburylibrary.org
Places of worship
A Igreja Que Cresce, the Growing Church, 784-930-8629, aigrejaquecresce.org.
Baha’i Faith, 508-693-4905.
Beacon of Hope, 508-563-5767, beaconofhopemv.com.
Bodhi Path Buddhist Center, 508-696-5929, bodhipath.org/marthasvineyard. Meditation on Zoom, Sundays 10–11am, and Tuesdays and Thursdays 6–7pm.
Chilmark Community Church, 508-645-3100, chilmarkchurch.org.
Christian Science Society, 508-696-7369.
Church of Christ, 508-627-2834.
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, 508-693-8642.
Covenant on the Rock Ministry, 508-790-1910.
Faith Community Church, 508-627-8918, faithmv.org.
Federated Church, 508-627-4421, Sunday podcast: federatedchurchmv.org.
First Baptist Church, 508-693-1539, firstbaptistchurchvineyardhaven.org.
First Congregational Church, United Church of Christ, 508-693-2842, Virtual Sunday worship at 10 am through Zoom. Visit wtcongregationalchurch.org.
Gay Head Community Baptist Church, 508-693-1539, oldcolonybaptist.org/churches.html.
Good Shepherd Roman Catholic Parish, 508-693-0342. Our website, goodsheperdmv.com, offers viewing of Masses on Monday to Friday at 8 am (in English), Saturday vigil at 7 pm (in Portuguese), Sunday at 9 am (in English). Star of the Sea, 9:30 am Sunday Mass, and 4 pm Sunday Mass at the Tabernacle. St. Elizabeth, 8 am and 10 am Sunday Mass, Monday through Saturday at 8 am, with morning prayer at 7:45 am and rosary at 8:25 am. St. Augustine, Mass on Saturday at 4 pm in English, 7 pm in Portuguese, and Sunday at 8 am.
Grace Episcopal Church, 508-693-0332, Sunday service bulletin and video stream: graceepiscopalmv.org.
House of Prayer, 508-696-9916.
Jehovah’s Witnesses, 508-696-0996, visit the website for online resources: jw.org.
Kabbalah and Healing, hadarta613@gmail.com.
Martha’s Vineyard Bible Church, 508-693-1411.
Martha’s Vineyard Camp Meeting Association, 508-693-0525.
Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center, 508-693-0745, Online services and events: mvhc.us.
Mission Calvary Church, 508-685-7690.
Quakers (Religious Society of Friends), 508-693-1834, fgcquaker.org.
Revival Church for the Nations/Igreja do Avivamento para as Nações, 508-696-3835, avivamentomundial.org/congregacao/detalhes.aspx?c=18.
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church, 508-627-5330, weekly Sunday services: Visit the St. Andrew’s YouTube channel or Facebook page.
Seventh-Day Adventist, 508-299-9700.
Trinity Episcopal Church, The summer chapel is closed for the 2020 season. Visit facebook.com/TrinityEpiscopalChurchOceanPark for thoughts, postings, and pictures.
Trinity UMC of Martha’s Vineyard, 508-693-4424.
U.U. Society of Martha’s Vineyard, 508-693-8982, Services on Zoom, Sunday at 11 am, email uu.society.mv@gmail.com.
United Methodist Church, 508-693-4424, umc-mv.org.
Vineyard Assembly of God, 508-696-7576, Visit the website to listen to special messages: vineyardag.com/new-current-messages. In-person services on Sundays at 9 am for seniors, singles, and high-risk individuals, and on Sundays at 11:30 am for families.
Please add to your list:
Vineyard Health Care Access Program (508) 696-0020 For assistance with MassHealth, Medicare, and other insurance.
Dukes County Social Services (508) 696-3844 For assistance with SNAP (food stamps), Fuel Assistance and Unemployment claims.
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