Connect to End Violence, the domestic violence and rape crisis program of Martha’s Vineyard Community Services (MVCS), will hold its 10th annual Seawall Stand. The event will be on Saturday, July 10, from 10 am to 1 pm at the Vineyard Haven seawall.
MVCS invites Island and visiting men to join the stand and hold a poster of a woman they wish to honor. The Seawall Stand will send a unified message against domestic and sexual violence. It will also display to the Martha’s Vineyard community that most Island men do not tolerate violence against women.
“Domestic and sexual violence toward women is not a women’s issue, but a human issue,” said Jennifer Neary, program director for MVCS’ Connect to End Violence program, in a press release. “One of the many reasons why men are engaged in the movement and this event is to honor a woman in their life they care about.”
For more details, call 774-549-9667, or email
Connect to End Violence provides a 24-hour crisis hotline (508-696-7233), short-term counseling, court advocacy, medical accompaniment, and referral services to victims and survivors of domestic and sexual violence and their nonoffending family members. All services are free and confidential.