Aquinnah: Council on Aging, Polished Dental, candidate forum, beach grass, and Earth Day

—MV Times

I’m down with some kind of stomach bug, which isn’t any fun at all. There’s something about not feeling well that fights against any creative endeavors, and I confess that I had to drag myself to the computer to write the column today. Usually, I am glad for this opportunity to talk to my town, and, while I am still just as grateful as ever, I’m not really feeling the muse on my shoulder. That said, there are things to celebrate and things to announce, so here goes.

Life at our little library just gets better and better. Viktoriya Duarte, our new program associate, has hit the ground running. Partly due to her glowing spirit, her first program — the Spring Egg Hunt — was a roaring success, with twice as many kids and their adults showing up than were expected, but with all having a great time anyway. Meanwhile, the library director, Rosa Parker, attended the Public Library Association Conference in Columbus, Ohio, where she went to gather the wisdom of her colleagues from around the nation to keep the Aquinnah library and its patrons up-to-date and inspired.

On April 12, from 9 am to 12 pm, the Up Island Council on Aging hosts a training on CPR, and on April 16, at 10 am, an education session on suicide awareness. Call 508-693-2896 to register for these potentially life-saving events. While you’re on the phone with them, reserve a spot for their Thursday luncheons. On the day that I went, I met some terrific people, felt truly welcomed, and had a great time.

From April 15 to 19 at the First Baptist Church in Vineyard Haven, seniors are invited for a free dental cleaning by Polished Dental. Take care of those teeth! Register by texting Polished Dental at 978-549-0659 (text, don’t call!), or email them at

On April 24, at 7 pm at the town hall, the League of Women Voters of Martha’s Vineyard are hosting a forum for candidates for both contested and uncontested offices in Aquinnah. Candidates will speak, and there will be time for questions from the audience. If you can’t attend in person, the program will be filmed and available for viewing on MVTV On-Demand shortly afterwards.

And, here’s your last reminder about beach grass planting at Lobsterville on April 13. Sign up in advance by emailing Be there or be square.

While you’re filling that calendar with the above events, save the date of April 27 for this year’s Earth Day Beach Clean-up and after party. There will be people at all Aquinnah beaches, an Island-wide contest for the most unusual litter picked up, and a joyful earth celebration with food and games afterwards at the M.V. Museum. I’ll write more about it as the day gets closer.

We have birthdays to celebrate: April 12 is my pal Barbara Wallen’s birthday, April 13 is Erick Moore’s birthday, and April 18 is Vernon Powell’s birthday.

Now, I’m going to have some plain rice for my dinner and go to bed. I’ll be up and about tomorrow, I’m sure. Keep me posted on your news!

If you have any Aquinnah Town Column suggestions, email Kathie Olson,