Heard on Main Street: Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks.
I’ve been reading my way through the Vineyard Haven library and others, while my activity has been limited. That has been extreme, once some serious leg pain has developed. Unfortunately, a day spent in the ER did nothing much to help either. But some of the books have been very good. And sometimes they seem to be the only thing that doesn’t make me hurt.
One of the best is similar to another I read last year. Both tell stories of a public library in London being reopened underground, in the newly built subway tunnels. The other took place before any subway lines were laid in the tunnel, and were about a few families. This new one takes place later, after the subways were running. Both tunnels were used as air raid shelters at night. “The Underground Library,” by Jennifer Ryan, features a variety of people involved in keeping the library going underground after the library building was bombed. One young Jewish girl has escaped Germany, but is waiting for her father and sister to arrive. A young air-raid volunteer from Poland is searching for news of his brother. A young English librarian is searching for news of the American bomber pilot she met. The stories are frightening, sad, and encouraging, as well as vital to understanding what their world was like at that time. This is a good read.
This next story sounds intriguing: After their marriage is splintered by tragedy, a couple come together for one night in the hopes of finding something worth saving. The play called “To Fall in Love” will be onstage from May 15 to 25 at the M.V. Playhouse.
I enjoy writing, but not as much lately as I should. Caroline Joy Adams will be on Zoom at 6 pm on Tuesday, May 21, to begin the program “Writing About Nature.” Nature writing can include a brief poem or a treatise on climate change — or anything in between. If you love to explore nature and want to discuss and write about your own experiences, register at vhpl_programs@clamsnet.org.
Do you sometimes feel a need to speak with others about our future? The CLAMS libraries and others have partnered to present Cape and Islands virtual community discussions on Zoom. Our library will also host a group in person, with WCAI’s host Mindy Todd, to present a discussion on avoiding election misinformation. Stay informed with accurate, reliable information this election season, and learn how to access trustworthy news for a stronger democracy, on Thursday, May 23, at 5:30 pm. Register at vhpl_programs@clamsnet.org.
Come to the Grace Church for the Neighborhood Convention. Be prepared to enjoy yourself with the Peter Luce Playreaders on Tuesday, May 7, at 11 am. Bring a sack lunch; drinks will be provided.
Martha’s Vineyard Garden Club members will be happy to hear that the M.V. Museum is creating a display wall in honor of the club’s 100th anniversary. This will be ready for visitors on May 22, with an exhibit coming in September.
Our family celebrates “Cinco de Mayhew” on the wedding anniversary of our son Craig Mayhew and his wife Laura, Friday, May 5.
Big bunches of birthday balloon wishes go out today to Herb Ward and Martha Weiss. WMVY celebrates all month.
Heard on Main Street: Tell a man that there are 400 billion stars, and he’ll believe you. Tell him a bench has wet paint, and he has to touch it.
If you have any Tisbury Town Column suggestions, email Kay Mayhew, tashmoorock@gmail.com.