Oak Bluffs


For the moment, it seems that we have skipped spring, which we usually do not have anyway, and gone directly to summer. Flowers bloomed with hours of the warm weather of Sunday and Monday and even the early flowering trees are showing their blossoms. But who knows what another week will bring.Susan Wilson’s latest novel, “The Dog Who Danced,” has arrived. Anyone who has enjoyed her previous novels will appreciate this latest one.

Len Morris of Martha’s Vineyard-based Galen Films and Media Voices for Children, was awarded the 2012 Iqbal Masih Award for the Elimination of Child Labor by the Department of Labor in Washington, D.C., on March 20 for his incredible work in the elimination of child labor. Congratulations.

Condolences to the family and friends of Phyllis Rogers who died last week. Phyllis was much loved by her siblings, her children, grandchildren and her many friends. We are so sorry.

On Saturday, March 24, there will be an Acccuplacer college entrance exam for students taking ENL 101-59: English Composition (begins 3/31) through Cape Cod Community College at ACE MV. There is no fee for the exam, but you must pre-register for class and code through ACE MV. Info is online at acemv.com. Then on Saturday, March 31, ACE MV offers a class ENL101-59: English Composition and ECE Early Childhood Education 201-67: Curriculum Planning for Young Children. This is a three-credit college level class through Cape Cod Community College at Adult and Community Education (ACE MV). Pre-registration for class is required. Info is at www.acemv.org.

A Cooperative Service with UMC-MV and Covenant on the Rock is scheduled for 6:30 pm on Sunday, March 25, 2012 at the Trinity Church in the Campground. All are welcome.

On Friday, March 23, at 6:30 pm you can watch the video on MVTV Channel 13 of the MVYLI Job Shadow Day for 2012. Members of the Martha’s Vineyard Youth Leadership Initiative took part in the 2nd Annual Job Shadow Day. We are grateful to all those who shadowed our young people to realize their dreams: You can also watch the video at youtube.com/watch?v=L8Z2TwYOqPQ.The Trustees of Reservations will present a free program on Thursday, March 22, at 6:30 pm at the Oak Bluffs Library. Sarah Mello Trudel will lead a multi-media presentation focusing on the Trustees’ six properties on the Island. A question and answer period will follow. Maps, handouts, event info, and reduced fee memberships will be available. This is Sponsored by The Library Friends of Oak Bluffs.

Movie Night at the Library will be on Thursday, March 29 at 6 pm. Newest releases are screened on the last Thursday of each month. The March film sees Miss Piggy and Kermit the Frog reunite in a singing, dancing, nostalgic romp. The movie and popcorn are free.

Don’t miss the free Library Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 7, at 11 am. This will be a huge hunt for all ages. Don’t be late: the hunt begins promptly at 11 am. If will be outside if weather permits. Also sponsored by The Library Friends of Oak Bluffs.

Grace Preschool is holding their Annual Spaghetti Dinner & Auction on Saturday, March 31, at the Grace Church on Woodlawn Avenue in Vineyard Haven. There will be an auction preview from 4 to 5 pm downstairs in the Preschool classroom. The Spaghetti Dinner is again being hosted by Giordano’s Restaurant and begins at 5 pm, take-out will be available from 4:30 pm. The Silent Auction begins at 5 pm and ends at 6:45 pm. The live auction will begin at 6:45 pm with celebrity auctioneer Mike Delis.

Oak Bluffs School’s MCAS tests have begun and will be administered in classrooms, and in other areas including conference rooms, resource rooms, some offices and in the library. During this time, phone calls will not be forwarded to any area designated to be a testing site. You are encouraged help your children to do their best by making sure they get enough sleep the night before, they eat a healthy breakfast, and they get to school on time. It is best to avoid absences during those weeks whenever possible. If your child/children must be absent during the testing, be sure to call the school.

Congratulations to the Oak Bluffs Varsity Volleyball, team who won both their games against Tisbury and Edgartown. The Junior Varsity played very well though they lost a tight game against Edgartown in overtime.Parent Teacher Conferences will be held on April 3 from 1 to 5 pm, April 4 from 3 to 6 pm, and April 9 from 3 to 7 pm. There will be noon dismissal on all conference days.

Seventh-grade girls should mark their calendars for the 7th grade Girl’s Day at the Workout and Vineyard Tennis Center located near the airport. Saturday, March 24, from 11 am to 2 pm, for all 7th-grade Island girls.We send birthday smiles to Ross Peters on March 22, Marcelle BenDavid and Eugene DeFelice Sr. on March 23, Hunter Ponte on the 25th, June Manning the next day, James Rebello and Hannah Gibb on the 27th, Kailyn Hart and the sweet Avon Queen, Grace Frye on the 28th.Enjoy your week.Peace.