Monday, January 20, 2025
Home Authors Posts by Megan Alley

Megan Alley


Oak Bluffs: I think it is time for a younger point of view

There are so many ways and words you may say goodbye: Tchau, TaTa, Aloha, and many more. But I am saying goodbye to you...

Oak Bluffs: Being kind

If all Saints' Day, on Nov. 1, brings out winter then St. Martin's Day, on Nov. 11, brings out Indian Summer. So says the...

Oak Bluffs: Ordering logs for the wood stove

My mind is now on approaching late fall and early winter as this weekend was taken up with removing the air conditioners from the...

Oak Bluffs: Council on Aging clinics

Sometimes I think I liked life better “back in the day” when things seemed simpler. I miss the noon whistle summoning us home for...

Oak Bluffs: Pop-up book sale

October is ready to greet us tomorrow. With open arms it waits to coax us into cooler winter, like a decompression chamber easing us...

Oak Bluffs: Climate Action Plan

I love this weather cycle we seem to be in this past week. Fall breezes and sunshine. Wednesday, Sept. 22, was the Autumnal Equinox....

Oak Bluffs: Maritime Month

Now that we are on our inevitable path toward fall weather, the sun’s pathway to bring sunlight and heat into my house has changed...

Oak Bluffs: Concert at P.A. Club

“Of all the seasons, autumn offers the most to man and requires the least of him.” So said Hal Borland, American naturalist (1900-78), according...

Oak Bluffs: Recreation classes

Well, thank goodness tropical storm/hurricane Henri did not fall in love with the Island but took his turmoil elsewhere. A few messes of tree...

Oak Bluffs: Martin Sexton’s new album

Just when I think I cannot stand one more minute of trying to breathe in the thick soupy, humid air and listening to the...

Oak Bluffs: Pickleball at Niantic Park

Some things never change, such as rain. It is still wet and still falling on us most every day, sometimes all day, sometimes brief...

Oak Bluffs: Oral History Recording Studio

August is here with its crowds, gridlocks of traffic, and very tired residents. Sooner than usual this year, because of COVID, the workers who...

Oak Bluffs: Craft Sale at Tabernacle

Once again we have endured a week of little sunshine and clouds, sprinkles of rain and high humidity. As comedian Steve Martin said: “A...

Oak Bluffs: Craft Fair and Dream Fund

This time of year I love to hear the voices of the children in the neighborhood at dusk as they play and shout around...

Oak Bluffs: Beauty all around

I find I am starting my days differently these past months. I used to turn on the television to watch the news, and read...

Oak Bluffs: Summer reading program

My favorite, the Old Farmer’s Almanac, has these words of wisdom: “Scientists estimate that a single ragweed plant can release 1 billion grains of...

Oak Bluffs: Music at Featherstone

The Old Farmer’s Almanac offered this advice 125 years ago in July 1896: “The farmer has no excuse for letting the weeds grow in...

Oak Bluffs: Neighborhood parks

The season of the bugs has arrived. Big ones, small ones, flying ones, crawling ones, they seem to think that I have a bed...

Oak Bluffs: P.A. Club activities

We have been blessed with rain enough to keep the grass and plants healthy and enough sun to bring out colorful blooms on the...

Oak Bluffs: Organizing your home

Congratulations to all the seniors who graduated from MVRHS, Charter School, and Falmouth Academy. After two years, the schools were finally able to hold...