West Tisbury Town Column
Real snow, a few inches. It was peaceful to watch during the night, then to awake to the ground thickly covered on Sunday morning. I took Abby out to play in it around 1...
West Tisbury Town Column
It’s finally cold enough that there is ice on the ponds. There was a time when cars parked along State Road, and skaters would be out on Parsonage Pond for the day. It doesn’t...
West Tisbury Town Column
There is still snow on the ground, more of a patch than a blanket, but snow nonetheless, and cold. Our wheelbarrow was frozen to the ground when I went out to the woodpile. The...
West Tisbury Town Column
As we have been watching the fires continue to spread across LA, a tragic fire has affected someone closer to home. Our dear Bianca, who smiles and makes jokes to brighten our days, who...
West Tisbury Town Column
It’s a good day to make a big pot of stew or soup. I did that last weekend after stopping at Julia Humphreys’ house and smelling the coq au vin she was cooking. I...
West Tisbury Town Column
It has been mild and freezing, windy and still. The sunsets have been spectacular, streaks of orange slashing through purple skies. I have already noticed the lengthening daylight through the bare branches of our...
West Tisbury Town Column
It was a surprise to find the lightest frosting of new snow when I looked outside on the morning after Christmas. I suppose that technically we had a white Christmas with the remnants of...
West Tisbury Town Column
It’s almost the winter solstice, the shortest day of the year. I love the early darkness, turning lights on, getting the fire going to warm up the house. Mike comes home earlier, giving us...
West Tisbury Town Column
One good rainy day last week, but overall it has been lovely. Still sunny days, clear nights, fairly mild, or at least temperate. 40 to 60° is what I consider temperate. Nice days for...
West Tisbury Town Column
Mornings feel cold enough to need a coat when I take Abby out. The ground is frost-covered; so is the roof. Maybe we will have some winter, after all.
As the song says, “It’s beginning...
West Tisbury Town Column
It’s been another week of weather. Looking out my window one morning, I saw a few pale cherry blossoms on a tree behind our house. Mike came home from a walk with Abby, and...
West Tisbury Town Column
Holidays are made of memories. Good. Bad. Gathering together. Missing passed-away or distant members. Delicious meals, others burned or undercooked, or eaten by the dog. Memories. Stories. We all have our histories.
Thanksgiving got an...
West Tisbury Town Column
The weather remains unseasonably warm. We are in a red-alert drought, despite a damp mist during one night last week. Rain is predicted for the end of this week, so maybe you will be...
West Tisbury Town Column
Another lovely week but, alas, still no rain. Conditions are getting dire. News reports say that most of the country is suffering from a drought. I wonder and worry about a brushfire on the...
West Tisbury Town Column
It’s been like summer again all week. We need rain, but otherwise, a nice week. I remember John Early wearing shorts from April 1 to Nov. 1; this year he could continue on indefinitely....
West Tisbury Town Column
Happy Halloween! I hope everyone is having fun at the library Halloween party this afternoon from 3 to 5 pm, at other parties, or out trick-or-treating. I hope the balmy weather we had last...
West Tisbury Town Column
We are a week away from Halloween. The air feels cool, and I even heard someone say she had a first frost in her Skiff Lane yard. Hay bales, corn stalks, and pumpkins of...
West Tisbury Town Column
I am writing this on Dictionary Day. If that isn’t a perfect holiday, I don’t know what is. My Oxford English Dictionary was one of the best presents that Mike ever gave me, commemorating...
West Tisbury Town Column
The dogwoods outside my window are covered with red berries, still scarlet, bright among foliage that has begun turning from green to dark mahogany red. I can see the tips of other leaves colored...
West Tisbury Town Column
I have noticed that I’m turning lights on in our house in the morning when I come downstairs, then by 6 o’clock or so in the evenings. Daylight comes in shorter segments.
Nelson has been...