Friday, February 14, 2025
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Town Columns

West Tisbury Town Column

Real snow, a few inches. It was peaceful to watch during the night, then to awake to the ground thickly covered on Sunday morning. I took Abby out to play in it around 1...

Tisbury Town Column

Heard on Main Street: Friendship doubles our joys and divides our sorrows. Our neighborhood turkeys know that it is nearly Valentine’s Day. Early in the morning, there were eight Toms in fully flared tail feathers,...

Oak Bluffs Town Column

“There’s no such thing as bad weather, only unsuitable clothing.” —Alfred Wainwright, long-distance walker and author of guidebooks  Time to layer on the suitable clothing! It seems winter didn’t think we were taking her seriously...

Chilmark Town Column

The Truth of Us Is Complicated By Kai Adia The simple grace of breath giving rise to our chest, a mantle upholding the highest vision of our stories, the people we meet and the lines we string together to make...

West Tisbury Town Column

It’s finally cold enough that there is ice on the ponds. There was a time when cars parked along State Road, and skaters would be out on Parsonage Pond for the day. It doesn’t...

Oak Bluffs Town Column

“When I dare to be powerful, to use my strength in service of my vision, then it becomes less and less important whether I am afraid.” —Audre Lorde Audre Lorde was a distinguished American writer,...

Edgartown Town Column

I still remember the day I packed up everything I owned (two suitcases) and moved to Martha’s Vineyard. It was 2018, and it rained for a week straight. I hadn’t packed a rainjacket, and...

Chilmark Town Column

I want to start by wishing my mother, Anne Ganz, a happy 85th birthday. We love you and are so happy to celebrate you. This Sunday, we welcome everyone who was touched by the Rev....

Aquinnah Town Column

In the midst of this cold and quiet time, life goes on. Birthdays happen. Babies are born. Vacations and visits take place. Illness strikes, and illness gets cured. Mice creep into our barns and...

West Tisbury Town Column

There is still snow on the ground, more of a patch than a blanket, but snow nonetheless, and cold. Our wheelbarrow was frozen to the ground when I went out to the woodpile. The...

Tisbury Town Column

Heard on Main Street: Not sure how I missed Squirrel Appreciation Day. Is there a special calendar that lists all that stuff? Sometimes I feel old, but today I feel older. I just realized that...

Oak Bluffs Town Column

“Do you know the difference between education and experience? Education is when you read the fine print; experience is what you get when you don’t.” —Pete Seeger Isn’t that the truth? It makes me think...

Chilmark Town Column

This is the last week of January, and Beetlebung Farm will be open Wednesday to Sunday, 8 am to 5 pm. Sunday, Feb. 2, at 5 pm, all are invited to the Chilmark Church for...

Aquinnah Town Column

Laura Jordan-Decker and Kate Taylor are still enthusiastically seeking acts for the second annual Aquinnah Variety Show. If you are still juggling thoughts and possibilities, they urge you to go to the Town Hall...

West Tisbury Town Column

As we have been watching the fires continue to spread across LA, a tragic fire has affected someone closer to home. Our dear Bianca, who smiles and makes jokes to brighten our days, who...

Tisbury Town Column

Heard on Main Street: “The age of a woman doesn't mean a thing. The best tunes are played on the oldest fiddles." —Ralph Waldo Emerson I had a constant cough for several days, and finally...

Oak Bluffs Town Column

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.” —Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Writing on a snowy Sunday night, the eve of Martin...

Edgartown Town Column

Amid the frigid cold we deal with during these few months, there is usually a spectacular outcome, whether that be an awe-inspiring sunset that immediately brings me back to summer, or even later, the...

Chilmark Town Column

January is a time when it can be harder to connect. Many places close for much-needed breaks. Many people take much-needed vacations. Many find themselves coming down with illness. I’m still recovering. Bitter cold...

Aquinnah Town Column

I know that ferry cancellations are difficult for lots of folks. I don’t like it when they happen to me. That said, for more than 15 years, I have used those vessels to get...