Oak Bluffs: Council on Aging clinics

—MV Times

Sometimes I think I liked life better “back in the day” when things seemed simpler. I miss the noon whistle summoning us home for lunch or alerting us to a fire, walking to school and back home with friends, with no curfew except to be home by suppertime. I miss when there was a year-round population on the Island of only 5,000 people and we could roam fields, beaches, and wherever we wanted to. But then I know I do not miss polio, diphtheria, the lack of the newest antibiotics, air raid warnings, etc.  It all comes down to realizing you have to take the whole package, and I end up knowing I would not trade yesterday for today.

Today I take time to enjoy the many new friends I have met, the way children have access to more education, fall sunsets, birds stopping by for a last meal at the feeders before they head south, better communication with far away friends and relatives, and the way so many people have responded with kindness and patience during this Coronavirus. Please keep being thankful and kind, and wearing masks.

Sorry for the lack of a column last week. I spent hours and two days trying to get my computer to work. My son, who is a computer tech, came and worked on it for hours and finally it was working but the conclusion is that it is time for it to be replaced.

Matt D’Andrea, superintendent of schools, has sent all Island schools the following message. “As part of the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021, the Martha’s Vineyard Public Schools has received grant funds administered through the Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) Fund. The Martha’s Vineyard Public Schools is seeking public comment concerning the allocation of these funds. We would appreciate your input in the decision-making process to ensure that funds are expended in a way that will positively impact the education of all students within the Martha’s Vineyard Public Schools. Please take a few minutes to provide your feedback and input into our planning process. Survey link: forms.gle/dwpoHkQHUQ8jqwuP8.”

The Oak Bluffs Elementary School Banking Day will be on Tuesdays. Banking will be held upstairs in the library media room. Please call Susie Wallo, school bank coordinator, at 508-776-6050 or Patti Leighton, community relations director at Martha’s Vineyard Bank, at 508-774-310-2030 for more information. Students may bank each week with as little as 25 cents and up to $1,000. There are also monetary rewards for consistent savers so be sure and ask about these when requesting further information.

Our Oak Bluffs Council on Aging now has a blood pressure clinic the first Tuesday of every month from noon to 1 pm. It is open to the first four people who sign up with Rose at the Council. Each appointment is 15 minutes, and of course masks are required.

If a few more people sign up for the Podiatry Clinic, the center will be able to offer that also. Call Rose to let her know if you are interested.

Birthday smiles for the month of October to Aidylberg resident Michael Nash and Woodside Village residents Constance Sanborn, Jean Cargill, Daniel Dasilva, Art Nelson, Linda Carnegie, and Thomas Berniger.

We send belated birthday smiles to Ann Knight and Daniel Blake on Oct. 8, Todd Rebello on the 9th, Anita Billings, Maximus Metell, and my grandson, Ben Alley, on the 10th. Zack Sweeney, Joe deBettencourt, Kristen Mathias. and my sister, Joyce Wadsworth, celebrate on the 11th, and Marty Nadler and Alexis Moreis on Oct. 13. Smiles to Jen Combra on Oct. 14, Diane Clausen on the 15th, Renee Balter and my great-grandson William Richard Rivers on the 16th, my granddaughter Kayla Bryn deBettencourt and Richard Mello Sr. on the 17th. Vincent Frye and Fritz Knight celebrate on Oct. 18, Erich Luening on the 19th, and Nathan Francis, Saige Araujo, and Jeanne Holenko on Oct. 20.

Enjoy your week. Peace.

If you have any Oak Bluffs Town Column suggestions, email Megan Alley, meganislandmegan@comcast.net.