Some things never change, such as rain. It is still wet and still falling on us most every day, sometimes all day, sometimes brief showers. It has certainly changed many plans, but not the birds, butterflies, or the flowers that soak up all that water and grow, grow, grow. Unfortunately, so do the weeds. But like everything else in this life, we have to learn to take the bitter with the better.
Over the weekend we were treated to (or mistreated by) a long and very loud fireworks display. Social media was flooded by assumptions about where and who they were for, but the source was finally tracked down. A photo taken of Vineyard Haven Harbor showed a barge with beautiful fireworks being set off. I understand setting off fireworks for celebrations but were those legal and set off by a licensed person? If not, what were the consequences? If they were legal, who was the sponsor? The respectful procedure would have been to have given prior notice of the upcoming event so owners could prep their pets and children and those with PTSD could find a place where the noise and lights would least affect them. I do not live near the waterfront in Oak Bluffs, but my house echoed with the explosions and the fireworks lit up the sky in my neighborhood as the dog took shelter in the cellar in a panic. Does anyone have any answers and does anyone even care? How about it, town of Tisbury, as it took place in your town. So what happened?
Oak Bluffs lost two longtime residents this week. We send sincere condolences to the friends and family of Roger Wey. Roger served well as selectman for our town and was faithful to its citizens. He always took the time to honor those people who had also served the town, when they had passed. Simone MacCarthy was a much-loved wife and mother, who along with her husband, Terry, founded Dockside Marketplace. In spite of enduring all of the pain and disabilities brought on by undiagnosed Lyme disease since her late 20s, Simone continued raising her family and working in her various enterprises for years as long as she was able. Family, friends, and the town will miss these two outstanding citizens. We are so very sorry.
John Rose reached a milestone birthday this week with a glorious celebration over the weekend. John’s parents, children, grandchildren, and friends and Rose family members came from all over the Island and from as far away as Connecticut, Rhode Island, Marshfield, and beyond to party with him. We never knew there were so many Roses, but there was a portion of them here that day to help celebrate.
I am taking the following information from the parks and recreation website and hoping that none of the information has changed in the meantime. All the facilities at Niantic Park are open for the season. As pickleball has increased in popularity, those who are interested in playing or learning about this game might find the schedules and rules helpful. The pickleball court is open from 8 am to 8 pm at a cost of $5 per person. A wristband is required upon entry, with the color changing from am to pm. You can learn to play and improve your game on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 8 to 10 am for $5. Sounds like it might be an interesting game.
Built on Stilts has been rehearsing at our Council on Aging Building and the Oak Bluffs Senior Line Dancing Troupe has been practicing along with them. They are all looking forward to the Built on Stilts program on Saturday, August 14, and Sunday, August 22. Both performances start at 8:30 pm, with doors opening at 7:30 pm. Come and support our seniors as they dance along with this group.
Other news from our senior center is that the Monday exercise program has been paused for in-house participation until Sept. 1 at the request of the senior membership. There still will be a Zoom meeting every Monday for those interested. Please call Rose at the center at 508-693-4509, ext. 3, for instructions. Martha Abbot’s yoga program via Zoom cannot start until there is a minimum of 10 participants. When that goal is reached, it will be held every Thursday from 10:30 to 11:30 am for $10 each person. Again, please call Rose to sign up.
On Saturday, August 14, from 10 am to 3 pm, the Library Friends of Oak Bluffs are hosting a pop-up book sale. Come by to see the outrageous deals. Each hardback is $2, and you can get three for $5. Location is outside on the lawn on the parking lot side of the library. Cash only and no donation drop-offs, please.
Island Theatre Workshop is offering a live, outdoor salute to 25 years of Broadway Musicals. Performances will be outdoors on the lawn of the Old Whaling Church in Edgartown on Sunday, August 22, at 3 pm and 6:30 pm and on Monday, August 23, at 6:30 pm. Bring a blanket to sit on the lawn and enjoy the concert. Advance ticket sales may be obtained at There is limited seating. For details call Kevin Ryan at 508-627-2456.
We send birthday smiles to Richard Mello III and Terry McCarthy on August 12, Nelson Oliver and Shaun DePriest on the 13th, and Rick Manning on the 15th. We remember Jenna Pothier on the 17th. Smiles to Russ MacDonald on August 18, and to my son, Dion Alley, and Becky Rogers on August 19.
Enjoy your week. Peace.
If you have any Oak Bluffs Town Column suggestions, email Megan Alley,