Martha’s Vineyard District Court report


February 1, 2013

Jess B. Beasley, Vineyard Haven; DOB 1/20/89, fugitive from justice on court warrant: continued to pretrial conference.

Jake Henry Bilzerian, West Tisbury; DOB 9/22/92, intimidating a witness, threat to commit a crime: continued to pretrial conference.

Brendo R. Pereira, Vineyard Haven; DOB 6/15/95, possession to distribute class D drug (marijuana): to be dismissed upon the completion of 20 hours of community service; unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon the payment of $200 court cost; failure to stop/yield: responsible, must pay $35 fine; motor vehicle lights violation: not responsible.

February 7, 2013

Daniel A. Bendavid, Oak Bluffs; DOB 11/1/62, disorderly conduct: guilty – six months in the house of correction with seven days to serve, deemed served and the balance suspended, one year probation concurrent with a Superior Court case.

Daniel A. Bendavid, Edgartown; DOB 11/1/62, assault and battery: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.

Carlos A. Cardoza, Revere; DOB 4/3/73, assault and battery: continued without finding for six months, must pay $50 VW; disorderly conduct: continued without finding for six months; resisting arrest: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth.

Eronildes (Carvalho) Deassis, Vineyard Haven; DOB 3/30/73, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon the payment of $100 court cost and the completion of eight hours of community service; no inspection sticker: not responsible.

Juan N. Morelaso, West Tisbury; DOB 3/20/58, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon the payment of $100 court cost and the completion of eight hours of community service; failure to stop/yield: responsible, must pay $100 fine.

Benjamin R. Lima, Berlin; DOB 4/26/1990, disorderly conduct: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; assault and battery: continued without finding for one year, must pay restitution of $2007.66 and $50 VW. PSF was waived.

Lucelena A. Pereira, Vineyard Haven; DOB 12/3/80, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle, operating motor vehicle with suspended license, marked lanes violation: continued to pretrial conference.

Jonanthan S. Pike, Tisbury; DOB 6/24/74, OUI-liquor or .08%: continued without finding for one year, the defendant is to attend the driver alcohol education program, loss of license for 45 days, must pay $250 state fee, $50 OUI, $50 VDD and $65 PSF; OUI-drugs: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; negligent operation of motor vehicle: dismissed at the request of the Commonwealth; possession of open container of alcohol in motor vehicle: responsible, must pay $500 fine.

Renato Jose Robadel, Edgartown; DOB 9/9/86, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: to be dismissed upon payment $200 court cost and the completion of eight hours of community service; unregistered motor vehicle: not responsible.

February 8, 2013

Michael B. Dunn, Vineyard Haven; DOB 5/29/69, moped violation, operating motor vehicle with suspended license: continued to pretrial conference.

Jeffrey T. Moore, Vineyard Haven; DOB 5/20/69, trafficking in heroin/morphine/opium, possession to distribute class B drug (methadone), possession to distribute class B drug (suboxone): continued to pretrial conference.

Michael A. Schweikert, Oak Bluffs; DOB 4/18/85, assault and battery: continued without finding for one year, must pay restitution to be determined and $50 VW.

Wesley M. Silva, Vineyard Haven; DOB 5/2/83, unlicensed operation of motor vehicle: guilty, must pay $200 fine; operation of motor vehicle: responsible, must pay $50 fine; unregistered motor vehicle: not responsible.

Charlene M. Torres, West Tisbury; DOB 4/25/83, speeding in violation of special regulation: not responsible; failure to stop for police: to be dismissed upon the payment of $250 court cost.