Tisbury to stiffen enforcement at Park and Ride lot


The Tisbury selectmen plan to ask police to step up enforcement of parking rules in the Park and Ride lot off High Point Lane.

At the selectmen’s meeting Tuesday, town administrator John Bugbee suggested the selectmen revisit how the lot is set up, from the standpoint of both efficiency and revenue. Currently half the lot is free parking for one to seven days. Vehicles parked eight days or longer require a paid parking hangtag, which can be purchased at town hall.

On a recent visit to the lot Mr. Bugbee said he found about 80 percent of vehicles parked in the pay section did not have a tag.

The selectmen discussed the possible installation of a video surveillance system for safety and compliance issues, and also a ticket machine at the lot. Selectman chairman Jeff Kristal asked Mr. Bugbee to bring three recommendations to the next meeting.

Mr. Bugbee also discussed beer and wine regulations compliance. He said he has received a few verbal complaints, nothing that would warrant hearings, about alleged minor infractions by a few establishments. Mr. Bugbee did not describe the nature of those complaints but said he would send a letter reminding the restaurants of the rules.

In other reports, department of public works director Fred LaPiana requested comments from the selectmen regarding a draft regional trash agreement for discussion at a meeting today at the Martha’s Vineyard Refuse Disposal and Resource Recovery District office in Edgartown.

Port Council representative George Balco provided an end-of-summer report on the Steamship Authority.

In other business, the selectmen appointed Michael C. Morris as assistant shellfish constable; approved funds to add shellfish information on the town website; voted to endorse a mixed use concept for affordable housing; and appointed six people to a Tisbury Tashmoo Preservation task force. They also approved a bid of $6,900 for an archeological study required at the Spring Building grounds before adding a septic system, already funded with Community Preservation Act funds for the study.